Thursday, September 17, 2009


My buddies Cleopatra"Cleo" & Remington"Remi"

A.) Snatch Balance
Work up to mod 1RM
B.) For Time:
35 WBS 20#
20 WBS
10 C2B Pull-ups
20 WBS
30 Push-ups
20 WBS
40 Jumping Pull-ups


A.) worked up to 155 in Snatch Balance. Felt really off today due to hips fighting against me holding balance in bottom position. PB is 195#
B.) TIME = 10:57

I am tired today and my hips are killing me still. I think it is more my glutes and Abductors than IT-Bands. I stretched today for an hour specifically on Glutes and hamstrings in my backyard and it felt great, plus I got to hang out with my cats. I kept looking at my cats rolling around cleaning their fully outstretched legs pointed with ease and thinking, I need to be stretching like a cat a little everyday....and if I could I would lick my legs and calves just to say I can :-)

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