A1. BB Forward Lunges @ 10X1; 4-6/leg x 4; 90 sec
(push through heel to get up; alternate legs/rep)
A2. Strict Ring Dips @ 2121; amrap x 4; 90 sec
B. Pistols @ 3011; 8-15/leg x 3 sets; 45 sec b/t legs(ass to grass, use assistance if needed but get full ROM)
C1. Heavy Implement Russian Step up @ 1110; 12-15/leg x 3; 60 sec
(carry something heavy wherever/however; bench at or higher than knee cap, place working leg on bench, step up and kick opposite knee as high as possible in air at top of step up; working leg remains on bench throughout set)
C2. Knees to Elbows @ 10X0; 20 x 3; 60 sec
-BB forward lunges-95,@ 8,8,6,6 reps per leg
-strict ring dips-10,10,10,10
-pistols were to a 14" box. I would do 3 reps one leg, switch, 3 reps other leg, switch and get to 15 reps per side X 3 sets. My hips and knees do not like pistols!
-H.I.Step-ups I used 95# bar @ 12 reps
-knees to elbows: lucky for my my Pull-ups bars are not in yet so I did:
Bosu Supine Knee-In to Elbows held onto my P-Bar legs.
I am friggen tied these days might take next two days off :-)
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