Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Double Trouble

A1.) High Bar back Squat 1RM: 1-1-1-1-1;rest 180sec
A2.) Bench Press 1RM 1-1-1-1-1;rest 180sec

5 min rest

B1.) AMRAP 85% of A1.); 1 set; rest 180sec
B2.) AMRAP 85% of A2.) 1 set; rest 180sec

5min rest

C1.) 4 sets Tabata Mash Squats 20sec ON, 10sec rest
C2.) 4 sets Tabata Mash Push-ups Chest to Floor 20sec ON 10sec Rest


A1.) 225/235/245/235/225 (No spotter)
A2.) 205/210/215/215/205 (No spotter)

B1.) 3 reps @ 85% of 245 = 208# (HNE)
B2.) 4 reps @ 85% of 215 = 183# (HNE)
I need to try this test again, too tired. I am happy with the High Bar Back Squat, but more happy with the Bench Press, I usually get serious AC subluxation on my right side, but today none! Only a bit of discomfort.
Below are the testing components:

2-4 reps - high neuromuscular efficiency
5-8 reps - mid range
8+ reps - poor neuromuscular efficiency
C1.) 21/20/20/20 = 81 reps
C2.) 24/23/17/15 = 79 reps

*Remember when you see A1.) & A2.) that means these two exercises are done back to back even if rest is prescribed inbetween A1.) & A2.) as above.
*Tabata Mash is 20sec C1.) 10 sec Rest, 20sec C2.) 10 sec rest

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