Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My Girl Killing it!

Picture of "Black Kat" Katrina Burton busting out more than body weight OverHead Squats.
Miss you Sugar! Hope your having fun in Fort Mac......is that possible?

Tech Work:
High Hang Clean / Hang Clean / Clean 1.2.3 X 3; Rest 120sec b/t sets
Pre WOD Dynamic Warm up:
B.) OHS increasing load to above WOD weight; rest as needed
C.) Thurster increasing load to above WOD weight: rest as needed
Specific to WOD:
D.) Take the exercise couplets in the WOD and perform 3-5 reps of each exercise.
Make sure to move body and loads with "Intent" as if in middle of WOD.
E.) Practice breathing during lifts and gymnastic work
WOD: "The Moah"
15 OHS (W65#)(M95#)
15 Pull-ups
15 Thursters (same as above wt.)
15 Burpees (chest to floor, clap in air)
15 Squat Cleans
15 Knees to Elbows

TIME = 25:25

Round 1 = 6:19
Round 2 = 8:34
Round 3 = 10:32
Just plain too tired today to keep moving. Came out with a bang, but the Run Thruster WOD I did yesterday hampered me a little today.
Time to Eat, Sleep and Repair!

POST WOD nutrition (while still sweaty!!!):
Body Fat @ 8% / 40g Protein / 30g CHO / 0 Fat

3 scoops Recoverite
1 Scoop Dream Whey Protein
1 cup Blueberries
Vit c
B Complex
Vit E

1 hour later I will eat a ZONE meal of:
5-6 Blocks Protein
4 Blocks CHO
15-20 Blocks Fat

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