21 thrusters - 135# (taken from floor) Row 800 m
50 HSPU (full lockout at top)
Row 800 m
21 thrusters - 135#
TIME: 30:15
This picture is of my buddy and fellow Big Dawg Geoff Aucoin and myself having a nice lactate induced nap on the floor.
Well this WOD holds some of my biggest week spots and I wanted to hit this WOD hard.
135lb Thrusters is a big one for me. Started with 6/5/5/3/2 and then sat on the rower realizing that I cannot feel my arms...."great Handstand Push-ups are next".
I have had some serious battles with HSPU...ask Katrina. When I have them as skill development I can do 5 sets of 10 reps with no kip, but when the money is on the line in mid WOD, fatigue in any part of my body seems to shut down my need to HSPU. I got through the first 10 with a 5/5 then went 3/2 for a bit, then dropped to 1 rep at a time. HSPU took up way too much time.
My shoulders are DONE!
The row went as planned 1:50-55 pace /500m. Thrusters went 3/3/3/2/2/2/1/1/1/2 man I felt like I was doing the WOD Grace, Cleaning the weight of the floor every time.
Can I see improvements? Yes:
My thruster is getting better
HSPU can now happen after some serious lifting
Rest Day for me tomorrow, then two a days start.
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