part A:
5 rounds for time;
135#/95# squat clean x 7 reps
21 chin upsrest
REST 4+ hours
WOD #2
part B:
part B:
for reps:
2 min double unders
2 min KBS - 2pd
2 min box jumps - 24"
WOD #1 @ 12pm
Part A = 10:47 as RQ'd
Part A = 10:47 as RQ'd
Picture of me in the Clean executing the 3rd pull....(pulling myself down under the bar)
WOD thoughts = Had good game plan of 4 Squat Cleans, take breath, finish 3 Squat cleans.
Pull-ups I wanted 11 reps, take breath, 10reps. This worked for first 2 rounds then broke down. My arms are still sore from last set of 3 workouts....they were not good team players!
Pull-ups I wanted 11 reps, take breath, 10reps. This worked for first 2 rounds then broke down. My arms are still sore from last set of 3 workouts....they were not good team players!
Pre WOD = BCAA 30min prior to warm-up
Post WOD = shake & vitamines;
Post WOD = shake & vitamines;
37g Pro / 40g CHO / 0g Fat
Vits = B Complex, Bioflavinoids, C, D, Pantothenic Acid, Tumeric, Umbiquinol, Niacin, E
Vits = B Complex, Bioflavinoids, C, D, Pantothenic Acid, Tumeric, Umbiquinol, Niacin, E
I will eat 1hr later ZONE Meal
5 Block PRO Steak
5 Block CHO Yam, Spinach, Grapes
10-15 Block Fat cashew/N.Butter
WOD #2
Part B =
Part B =
Double Unders = 175
KBS = 49
B0x Jumps = 47
TOTAL = 271
My arms could not do DU's or KBS, they are finished.
Box jumps suprized me in a good way! Started out with a fast 20 then used a alternate combo of jump up, extend hips, step down & jump up, extend hips, jump down, plyometric jump back up.
My arms could not do DU's or KBS, they are finished.
Box jumps suprized me in a good way! Started out with a fast 20 then used a alternate combo of jump up, extend hips, step down & jump up, extend hips, jump down, plyometric jump back up.
This saved me some good energy and got me head out of the game. Will use this method again.
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