This is one of my clients, Adam. He came to me about four and a half months ago detrained, low self esteem and out of shape after seriously hurting his back which took him out of competitive Hammer throwing, plus haulting an active lifestyle. Adam and I started with small (which to him probably felt huge) movement patterns and posterior chain work. Using Crossfit's ten fitness domains the goal was to bring back out, what I like to call, Adam's "Inner Athlete". It did not take long for Adam to find his Inner Athlete again, and small successes came on a weekly basis.
In talking with Adam yesterday at his competition, he told me that when he was hurt he felt something inside was missing. Now that something is back, his "Inner Athlete"! Adam is now thowing National level distances and having more fun doing it! He feels his best is yet to come.
Everyone has an "Inner Athlete", it works with and is similar to your "Inner Voice". It guides you through your life. To bring out this "Inner Athlete", you have to play like a kid again, have fun, move your body, build positive inner energy, pushing out the negative, compete with yourself daily, sweat (your body likes it) and use the help of others who are on your path. I do not care if you have zero athletic ability. An "Inner Athlete" has what counts: "Heart". In the heart lie the keys: determination, desire, peserverance. How do you know you have it? Your "Inner Voice" tells you, making you FEEL fantastic positive emotions through your thoughts like, "Damn do I feel good", or "Holy crap! I just finished that workout, YES!" or "Hey! I can fit into my old favorite do I look good!"
Listen to your inner voice and feel the energy of the Inner Athlete!!
To read Adam's thoughts on his past weekend cometition and fitness journey check out his post on my web-site CrossFit Lethbridge
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