Tuesday, May 26, 2009



20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats

TIME: 16:16

Oh my God! I have been finished this workout for about 2hours now, and I have not moved from my couch! I am serious and still seeing blurry spots! When I was in my last set of extremely painful squats (which I friggen ROCKED today!) I had an unexpected visitor drop by, the Purolator delivery dude got a first hand lesson in Crossfit. Haha he was trying to get my attention, but I had my earphones on and did not notice him until I got up to do my squats in the 5th round. After he told me he was watching from Pull-ups at the door and walked all the way up to the rowers. I sputtered out "hold on a second" when I finally did see him and finished my squats falling to the ground moaning like cattle going to slaughter! Took my earphones off, and the dude says, "man that was nuts! I have your equipment in the truck". I told him "sorry man I cannot help you right now" and he graciously brought it all in. I had to sign for the equipment and my hand was shaking like hell, the dude go a good laugh at that, then he wanted to know what CrossFit was and why I would do this to myself. I could not talk and was holding back the saliva accumulating in my mouth. Gave him my card and layed on the floor for about 15min. Good times....now that it's over.

I took it upon my self to attack Barbara as performed at my Gym to be legit and get on our Board.Everything was the same as my Coaches programming for our Big Dawgs except the Push-ups were not Chest 2 Floor.
TIME: 16:16 PB! 1st on the Board

1 comment:

Katrina Burton said...

I'm glad it was you that did Barbara and not me. I can still feel the pain from the last time we did that one.