Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Warm-up Drills and Skills

This specific warm-up was made for the video/workout "PC Got Back" (you can find this in the post below).
Doing the same warm-up all the time, well simply put is BORING!
NOT getting your body and CNS stimulated enough due to poor choices in stretches, skills and drills that do not coincide with the WOD will not yeild proper results.
To get your body and CNS ready to move one must place stretches, skills and Drills that are incorporating the muscles needed to perform your upcoming workout. Further more one must get specific to the workout and (as I like to call them, do Mini wods) performing lower reps with the exercises chosen in the workout at the speed you would execute them for that WOD. This will get you ready, while giving you the flow of the workout; plus achieving your coaches goal that specific workout wants you to attain.


Brent Maier said...

Thanks man! I think a lot of folks will benefit from this video. There were a lot of mobility drills I am unfamiliar with and will start incorporating these into my warmups starting today.

I'm going to try and get up there for some personal training with James sometime in 2010. We'll see how it goes with vacation time but for sure I'll be coming to the Games 2010 either as an athlete or spectator. I hope you can make it next year!

Garage Crossfitter said...

Great video Chad, thanks, my warmup has been boring for awhile, I will try these movements starting tommorrow.

Chris Dunkin said...

Chad thanks for the post. Some new movements for me as well, and I get your point about the flow between them. I'd like to see some movements for the shoulder wods we've been doing as well.

Chad Action Brandt said...

Your welcome guys.
I will make a few more of these warm-up videos for different types of WODs James throws at us.
Thanks for the posts :-)