I am having my clients do a mini competition the last two days so I decided to join in for some FUN.
OLD GYM WOD "Farewell WOD"
10 Rounds of Cindy for time:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds for time
Double Unders
Sit-ups (abmat & anchored)
REST 8-10min
B.) Zone GRACE
30 rep Clean & Jerk for time
Day 1: Cindy = 5:58
Day 2: ANNIE = 4:56 PB
Day 2: Zone Grace = 2:39 Annie killed me!
TOTAL = 13:30
Man I love the new box! ENERGY!
Set a PB on the 1st day!
Glen you kill me brother. I will not miss the hotdog/hamburger smell either. Even though the smell reminded me of good times about a senorita serving hamburgers in Mazatlan saying" hamburguesa senor"....um yah that was all the English she knew.
Everyone come on back tonight at 7pm or 6pm to cheer on team 6pm; later we will have some celebratory beverages :-)
Thanks Clapton's for the bubbly and OJ...the glove FIT!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Was with clients all morning and then jumped right into getting our new gym ready to go all afternoon and into the night. Starting to look sweet, I am pumpd big time! Can't believe I have so much equipment and that I fit it all in our old box.
Here are some pictures of the new 5000 square foot facility.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Put it Overhead!

5 rounds for time;
5 shoulder press - 95#/65#
10 push press - 95#/65#
15 push jerk - 95#/65#
rest 15 min
skill work:
dead hang to inverted on rings - 50 reps
5 shoulder press - 95#/65#
10 push press - 95#/65#
15 push jerk - 95#/65#
rest 15 min
skill work:
dead hang to inverted on rings - 50 reps
Here is a picture of my pal
Geoff Aucoin locking out a Clean and Jerk at this years CF Qualifier.
Hey who is that good looking guy in the back ;-)
Picture from OPT
Geoff Aucoin locking out a Clean and Jerk at this years CF Qualifier.
Hey who is that good looking guy in the back ;-)
Picture from OPT
My Result:
OH WOD = 13:44
Inverted Ring hangs: (warmed up with some Skin the Cats)
Love these! I am lucky because I get taught these cool moves by Katrina at gymnastics. The more I practice this movement the more I can control firing specific muscles. My abdominals were taking a beating, so I started to fire my lats more to be more of a synergist and could bust out more reps.
Inverted Ring hangs: (warmed up with some Skin the Cats)
Love these! I am lucky because I get taught these cool moves by Katrina at gymnastics. The more I practice this movement the more I can control firing specific muscles. My abdominals were taking a beating, so I started to fire my lats more to be more of a synergist and could bust out more reps.
Warm-up Drills and Skills
This specific warm-up was made for the video/workout "PC Got Back" (you can find this in the post below).
Doing the same warm-up all the time, well simply put is BORING!
NOT getting your body and CNS stimulated enough due to poor choices in stretches, skills and drills that do not coincide with the WOD will not yeild proper results.
To get your body and CNS ready to move one must place stretches, skills and Drills that are incorporating the muscles needed to perform your upcoming workout. Further more one must get specific to the workout and (as I like to call them, do Mini wods) performing lower reps with the exercises chosen in the workout at the speed you would execute them for that WOD. This will get you ready, while giving you the flow of the workout; plus achieving your coaches goal that specific workout wants you to attain.
Doing the same warm-up all the time, well simply put is BORING!
NOT getting your body and CNS stimulated enough due to poor choices in stretches, skills and drills that do not coincide with the WOD will not yeild proper results.
To get your body and CNS ready to move one must place stretches, skills and Drills that are incorporating the muscles needed to perform your upcoming workout. Further more one must get specific to the workout and (as I like to call them, do Mini wods) performing lower reps with the exercises chosen in the workout at the speed you would execute them for that WOD. This will get you ready, while giving you the flow of the workout; plus achieving your coaches goal that specific workout wants you to attain.
Monday, July 27, 2009
PC "Got Back?"
Dead Lift - quickly build to a heavy but not 3RM, minimal rest b/t sets
rest 5 min
6 sets for total working time:
10 KBS - 2pd/1.5pd unbroken
20 GHD extensions unbroken
30 double unders
rest 60 sec
Worked up to 345# DL
1.) 1:05
2.) 1:03
3.) 1:02
4.) 1:02 1 DU Fraction
5.) 1:01
6.) 1:01
Got into a great rythm after the first round as shown in the video.
rest 5 min
6 sets for total working time:
10 KBS - 2pd/1.5pd unbroken
20 GHD extensions unbroken
30 double unders
rest 60 sec
Worked up to 345# DL
1.) 1:05
2.) 1:03
3.) 1:02
4.) 1:02 1 DU Fraction
5.) 1:01
6.) 1:01
Got into a great rythm after the first round as shown in the video.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Overhead Squats
OHS - find your 1RM, get there quickly; rest as needed b/t sets
rest 3 min
55% of 1RM OHS - 3 sets of 3; 1 min b/t sets
rest 1 min
70% of 1RM OHS - 4 sets of 2; 2 min b/t sets
rest 2 min
85% of 1RM OHS - 5 sets of 1; 3 min b/t sets
rest 3 min
30 sec db push press (30#/20#)/30 sec rest with arms locked out and DB's overhead x 3 sets for total reps; db's can NEVER rest below shoulder height once the first db push press is started; if you have to rest on shoulders in rest; note your rest
OHS 1RM = 185# felt easy, but was runnung short on time.
55% = 105lbs 3x3reps
70% = 130lbs 4x2reps
85% = 157lbs 3x1rep
3 Rounds of 30# Push Press (did these half right)
Scatter brain today:
did 30/28/27 reps holding with front rack = 85
rest 3 min
55% of 1RM OHS - 3 sets of 3; 1 min b/t sets
rest 1 min
70% of 1RM OHS - 4 sets of 2; 2 min b/t sets
rest 2 min
85% of 1RM OHS - 5 sets of 1; 3 min b/t sets
rest 3 min
30 sec db push press (30#/20#)/30 sec rest with arms locked out and DB's overhead x 3 sets for total reps; db's can NEVER rest below shoulder height once the first db push press is started; if you have to rest on shoulders in rest; note your rest
OHS 1RM = 185# felt easy, but was runnung short on time.
55% = 105lbs 3x3reps
70% = 130lbs 4x2reps
85% = 157lbs 3x1rep
3 Rounds of 30# Push Press (did these half right)
Scatter brain today:
did 30/28/27 reps holding with front rack = 85
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
For Loads:
Power Snatch split catch - 7 sets of 4 reps;
rest 180 sec b/t sets
(alternate leading foot per rep, i.e. 2/side per set)
3 rounds for time;
10 power snatch - split catch (95#/65#)
Power Split Snatch "alt feet"
Form is getting better. I have been working the split snatch for about 1 month now and love it!
WOD: 6:38
HSPU got me again :-<
Power Snatch split catch - 7 sets of 4 reps;
rest 180 sec b/t sets
(alternate leading foot per rep, i.e. 2/side per set)
3 rounds for time;
10 power snatch - split catch (95#/65#)
Power Split Snatch "alt feet"
Form is getting better. I have been working the split snatch for about 1 month now and love it!
WOD: 6:38
HSPU got me again :-<
Monday, July 20, 2009
A. perform 22 push up burpees in 60 sec
(all males jump to a 9ft marker, all females jump to a 7ft marker)
if you complete this you have 3 minutes rest before B; if you do not complete this you have 1 min rest before B
B. perform 40 box jumps in 60 sec
(all males jump to 20", all females jump to 14")if you complete this you have 3 minutes rest before C; if you do not complete this you have 1 min of rest before C
C. perform 45 air squats in 60 sec
(everyone - hip crease below knee)if you complete this you have 3 minutes rest before D; if you do not complete this you have 1 min of rest before D
D. perform 75 double unders in 60 secif you complete this you have 3 minutes rest before E; if you do not complete this you have 1 min of rest before E
E. perform 40 jumping chin ups in 60 sec(bar 8 inches below both arms fully extended when on box)if you complete this you have 3 minutes rest before F; if you do not complete this you have 1 minute of rest before F
F. perform an average of 14 sit ups anchored on a tabata protocol for 8 setsif you complete this you have 3 minutes rest before G; if you do not complete this you have 1 minute of rest before G
G. perform 50 hanging knees to elbows in 3 minutes(cannot touch down)if you can complete this you have passed, congrats;
if you cannot, you have to perform 150 hanging knees to elbows for time to finish including reps you have already completed within the 4 minutes; ensure you time the entire 150 and post to comments
A.complete :44
B.complete :44
C.complete :44
D.complete :44 /1 fraction
E.complete :29
F.complete 14 across the board
G.complete 20/10/5/5/5/5 Ring K2E
44 was number today :-) Abs were done after tabata and K2E.
(all males jump to a 9ft marker, all females jump to a 7ft marker)
if you complete this you have 3 minutes rest before B; if you do not complete this you have 1 min rest before B
B. perform 40 box jumps in 60 sec
(all males jump to 20", all females jump to 14")if you complete this you have 3 minutes rest before C; if you do not complete this you have 1 min of rest before C
C. perform 45 air squats in 60 sec
(everyone - hip crease below knee)if you complete this you have 3 minutes rest before D; if you do not complete this you have 1 min of rest before D
D. perform 75 double unders in 60 secif you complete this you have 3 minutes rest before E; if you do not complete this you have 1 min of rest before E
E. perform 40 jumping chin ups in 60 sec(bar 8 inches below both arms fully extended when on box)if you complete this you have 3 minutes rest before F; if you do not complete this you have 1 minute of rest before F
F. perform an average of 14 sit ups anchored on a tabata protocol for 8 setsif you complete this you have 3 minutes rest before G; if you do not complete this you have 1 minute of rest before G
G. perform 50 hanging knees to elbows in 3 minutes(cannot touch down)if you can complete this you have passed, congrats;
if you cannot, you have to perform 150 hanging knees to elbows for time to finish including reps you have already completed within the 4 minutes; ensure you time the entire 150 and post to comments
A.complete :44
B.complete :44
C.complete :44
D.complete :44 /1 fraction
E.complete :29
F.complete 14 across the board
G.complete 20/10/5/5/5/5 Ring K2E
44 was number today :-) Abs were done after tabata and K2E.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
W-M-G Snakes and Ladders
For Loads:
Power Clean - take it up to a heavy and confident but not a PB single
rest 5 min
For Time;
1-10 ladder - clean and push press - 70% BWT
(1 rep, bar rests on floor, 2 reps touch and go/no stopping, bar rests on floor after 2 reps, 3 reps touch and go/no stopping...etc...to 10, you cannot rest bar at any position once you have started the reps)
rest 5 min
Skill Work:
10 snake extensions @ 4040; 4 sets; rest 90 sec b/t sets
Power Clean = 205# Was not feeling energetic today after working in the yard all day long.
Ladder 1-10
I chose to do Power Clean to Thruster because of the no energy factor.
BWT today is 183#X.70=128# on the bar
I did 131# on the bar to make up for the no full squat clean...doesn't really make up for it, but I worked my butt off none the less.
TIME = 15:56
Snake Extention Video to come later today
Power Clean - take it up to a heavy and confident but not a PB single
rest 5 min
For Time;
1-10 ladder - clean and push press - 70% BWT
(1 rep, bar rests on floor, 2 reps touch and go/no stopping, bar rests on floor after 2 reps, 3 reps touch and go/no stopping...etc...to 10, you cannot rest bar at any position once you have started the reps)
rest 5 min
Skill Work:
10 snake extensions @ 4040; 4 sets; rest 90 sec b/t sets
Power Clean = 205# Was not feeling energetic today after working in the yard all day long.
Ladder 1-10
I chose to do Power Clean to Thruster because of the no energy factor.
BWT today is 183#X.70=128# on the bar
I did 131# on the bar to make up for the no full squat clean...doesn't really make up for it, but I worked my butt off none the less.
TIME = 15:56
Snake Extention Video to come later today
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Calgary Police New Recruit Testing
3 Rounds for Points
1min Box Jumps 14"
1min Wall Ball Shots (W8)(M14)
1min Row Calories
1min Deadlift (W45)(M75)
1min Burpee into DB Thruster (W10)(M15)
1min Rest
SCORING: Superior >360 / Good >315 / Average >225
BJ 57 / 53 / 51 = 161
WBS 30/ 27 / 25 = 82
Row 18/ 15 / 14 = 47
DL 42/ 42 / 41 = 125
Burp 16/ 15 / 15 / = 46
TOTAL = 461
This was fun! I trained with my clients tonight working my already sore as hell ass off from my last few training sessions, plus trying to play hockey last night (having not played for a year gets you sore all over).
The format for this WOD the Calgary Police use is based off Fight Gone Bad & CrossFit Training. I am pumped that the CP are adopting CF style conditioning, now I would like them to set a standard to take these physical tests on a yearly basis to keep them at the top of their game. Not only would they benefit by staying in top condition all year long, the Police would get a better standing in the public eye, replacing the existing stigma "fat donut eating, couldn't chase down a fat kid who stole smarties (our city protectors?).....oh yah and only testing their fitness once to get onto the force". I am sure there are a lot of Police officers that stay in great physical condition and that is great, my point is they should all be this way. If they were to keep themselves fit all year long and test their fitness, the respect factor would rise ten fold in everyones eyes!
All in all this is a great step in Calgary Recruit Training....well done!
3 Rounds for Points
1min Box Jumps 14"
1min Wall Ball Shots (W8)(M14)
1min Row Calories
1min Deadlift (W45)(M75)
1min Burpee into DB Thruster (W10)(M15)
1min Rest
SCORING: Superior >360 / Good >315 / Average >225
BJ 57 / 53 / 51 = 161
WBS 30/ 27 / 25 = 82
Row 18/ 15 / 14 = 47
DL 42/ 42 / 41 = 125
Burp 16/ 15 / 15 / = 46
TOTAL = 461
This was fun! I trained with my clients tonight working my already sore as hell ass off from my last few training sessions, plus trying to play hockey last night (having not played for a year gets you sore all over).
The format for this WOD the Calgary Police use is based off Fight Gone Bad & CrossFit Training. I am pumped that the CP are adopting CF style conditioning, now I would like them to set a standard to take these physical tests on a yearly basis to keep them at the top of their game. Not only would they benefit by staying in top condition all year long, the Police would get a better standing in the public eye, replacing the existing stigma "fat donut eating, couldn't chase down a fat kid who stole smarties (our city protectors?).....oh yah and only testing their fitness once to get onto the force". I am sure there are a lot of Police officers that stay in great physical condition and that is great, my point is they should all be this way. If they were to keep themselves fit all year long and test their fitness, the respect factor would rise ten fold in everyones eyes!
All in all this is a great step in Calgary Recruit Training....well done!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
2010 Games Starts NOW!
For as many sets in 7 minutes:
25 straight double unders (you cannot fraction once the 7 minute timer is started, score is amount of sets of 25 in 7 minute period)
rest EXACTLY 3 minutes
A1. Stiff Legged DL @ 3020; 95#/115#/135#/155# x 12 reps x 3 sets - you choose weight;
rest 90 sec
A2. HSPU @ 42X2; amrap x 3 sets;
rest 90 sec
rest EXACTLY 3 minutes after last HSPU set
Skill Work - kipping knees to elbows on rings - 5 sets of 8-15 reps;
rest as needed b/t sets
DU's = 14 rounds no fractions
SLDL = 125/145/165 x 12 reps I can do more on these, I was a little unsure of weight to use.
HSPU = 4/3/3 all strict. When strict amrap was finished I kipped out a few more reps.
Ring K2E = I put these in my warm-up from time to time, I like them better than bar K2E.
25 straight double unders (you cannot fraction once the 7 minute timer is started, score is amount of sets of 25 in 7 minute period)
rest EXACTLY 3 minutes
A1. Stiff Legged DL @ 3020; 95#/115#/135#/155# x 12 reps x 3 sets - you choose weight;
rest 90 sec
A2. HSPU @ 42X2; amrap x 3 sets;
rest 90 sec
rest EXACTLY 3 minutes after last HSPU set
Skill Work - kipping knees to elbows on rings - 5 sets of 8-15 reps;
rest as needed b/t sets
DU's = 14 rounds no fractions
SLDL = 125/145/165 x 12 reps I can do more on these, I was a little unsure of weight to use.
HSPU = 4/3/3 all strict. When strict amrap was finished I kipped out a few more reps.
Ring K2E = I put these in my warm-up from time to time, I like them better than bar K2E.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Rep Rounds for Time
Power Snatch 75#
Double Unders
Wall Ball Shots 20#
TIME = 7:42
Here is the Action Challenge video from my June competition I put on.
Everything went so smooth, a great time was had by all!
Enjoy the video.
Power Snatch 75#
Double Unders
Wall Ball Shots 20#
TIME = 7:42
Here is the Action Challenge video from my June competition I put on.
Everything went so smooth, a great time was had by all!
Enjoy the video.
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
5 Rounds for Time
400m Run
15 OHS 95# (Over Head Squats)
TIME = 13:52
Could not get warm today in warm-up, took a long time for OHS to feel proper.
Worked on some Ring Dips and Deadlift during warm-up as well.
I am happy with this time and want a new goal of 12:52.
All OHS were straight through with no rests. If I juice up the run a bit more and keep a round pace of 2:30 I can make this happen.
5 Rounds for Time
400m Run
15 OHS 95# (Over Head Squats)
TIME = 13:52
Could not get warm today in warm-up, took a long time for OHS to feel proper.
Worked on some Ring Dips and Deadlift during warm-up as well.
I am happy with this time and want a new goal of 12:52.
All OHS were straight through with no rests. If I juice up the run a bit more and keep a round pace of 2:30 I can make this happen.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Presses and Pull-ups
WOD #1
Overhead Press 3-2-1
3 = 140#
2 = 145#
1 = 147# PB Tie
1 = 148# New PB
1 = 149# New PB
1 = 151# Fail
1= 150# Fail "oh so close"
150# is my December goal weight.....your mine!
WOD #2
3 sets of 15 reps Chest to Bar Pull-ups = All sets completed straight through
Overhead Press 3-2-1
3 = 140#
2 = 145#
1 = 147# PB Tie
1 = 148# New PB
1 = 149# New PB
1 = 151# Fail
1= 150# Fail "oh so close"
150# is my December goal weight.....your mine!
WOD #2
3 sets of 15 reps Chest to Bar Pull-ups = All sets completed straight through
Monday, July 06, 2009
WOD #1
21-15-9 Rep Rounds for Time
Hip Smashers
Double Unders
TIME = 3:32
WOD #2
21-15-9 Rep Rounds for Time
Hip Smashers
Double Unders
TIME = 3:12
I did these two wods to find out two things:
1.) What poundage would gas me more?
2,) What watts/power output in terms of load would work best for me to get the proper hormonal response?
I found that after the 95# WOD #1 I was gassed and this slowed my exercise transition time in the gymnastic and metcon elements. No breaks at all in WOD, just slow...that equals no power.
The 75# WOD #2 gassed me really well as I pushed it hard as I could.
In both WODs due to intensity I forgot a rep, shit happens, I was focused more on watts and power output.
Look at it this way, on the Rower you have a Watt gage right. If I compare these two WODs to that gage, WOD 1's watt gage would have started high, but slowed throughout the workout do to many up and down intervals with no watt consistency.
In WOD 2 this row watt gage would have had a more consistent level of output, therefore leading into a larger watt output over a longer period of time.....the light bulb can stay lit loner sort of speak.
So I chose WOD 2 for the watt/power output, but WOD one was still in my grasp for a good workout.
What am I looking at?
For beginners starting out, do not always choose the required weight, especially if is making you stop all the time for rest. This rest will hinder the proper hormonal response the workout is aiming for. So shoot for a load that will get you closer to what a required time would be:( e.g. Fran in under 5min try 45#-75#) now you will get what your coach is looking for, Results :-)
I will post a two way video of these WODs when its finished.
21-15-9 Rep Rounds for Time
Hip Smashers
Double Unders
TIME = 3:32
WOD #2
21-15-9 Rep Rounds for Time
Hip Smashers
Double Unders
TIME = 3:12
I did these two wods to find out two things:
1.) What poundage would gas me more?
2,) What watts/power output in terms of load would work best for me to get the proper hormonal response?
I found that after the 95# WOD #1 I was gassed and this slowed my exercise transition time in the gymnastic and metcon elements. No breaks at all in WOD, just slow...that equals no power.
The 75# WOD #2 gassed me really well as I pushed it hard as I could.
In both WODs due to intensity I forgot a rep, shit happens, I was focused more on watts and power output.
Look at it this way, on the Rower you have a Watt gage right. If I compare these two WODs to that gage, WOD 1's watt gage would have started high, but slowed throughout the workout do to many up and down intervals with no watt consistency.
In WOD 2 this row watt gage would have had a more consistent level of output, therefore leading into a larger watt output over a longer period of time.....the light bulb can stay lit loner sort of speak.
So I chose WOD 2 for the watt/power output, but WOD one was still in my grasp for a good workout.
What am I looking at?
For beginners starting out, do not always choose the required weight, especially if is making you stop all the time for rest. This rest will hinder the proper hormonal response the workout is aiming for. So shoot for a load that will get you closer to what a required time would be:( e.g. Fran in under 5min try 45#-75#) now you will get what your coach is looking for, Results :-)
I will post a two way video of these WODs when its finished.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible)
AMRAP wall balls in 3 minutes - 20#/14# to 10 ft
rest 6 min
AMRAP HSPU in 3 minutes
rest 6 min
AMRAP Row Cals in 3 minutes
post total reps/score to comments(i.e. 85+55+65=205 as score)
WBS 91
Row Cals 67
TOTAL = 183
I really surprised myself on WBS getting scoring 50, 20, 10,11 rep sets for 91 in 3 min AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible). I do not have the best Karen time (150 WBS for time), but things are looking up! I am pumped.
HSPU were way off today, probably do to my big effort on WBS. I was shooting for 35-40 reps. HSPU are another hit and miss exercise for me.
A good days rest is what I need tomorrow, looking forward to that.
rest 6 min
AMRAP HSPU in 3 minutes
rest 6 min
AMRAP Row Cals in 3 minutes
post total reps/score to comments(i.e. 85+55+65=205 as score)
WBS 91
Row Cals 67
TOTAL = 183
I really surprised myself on WBS getting scoring 50, 20, 10,11 rep sets for 91 in 3 min AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible). I do not have the best Karen time (150 WBS for time), but things are looking up! I am pumped.
HSPU were way off today, probably do to my big effort on WBS. I was shooting for 35-40 reps. HSPU are another hit and miss exercise for me.
A good days rest is what I need tomorrow, looking forward to that.
Triplet WGM
30-25-20-15-10-5 Rep Rounds for Time
Double Unders
TIME= 8:03
Wanted sub 8min, dam headphones kept losing my focus. Shoulder was also giving me some grief at the top of lockout in the later rounds. Good WOD and can be hit harder.
Double Unders
TIME= 8:03
Wanted sub 8min, dam headphones kept losing my focus. Shoulder was also giving me some grief at the top of lockout in the later rounds. Good WOD and can be hit harder.
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