Handstand push ups score = BWT in kg multiplied by reps in 12 minutes
also include distance in inches b/
t hands on floor

(i.e. 75 kg x 50 reps = 3750 as score)
crown to floor on ALL reps
rep DOES NOT count if you are coming down from wall/support as you are extending your arms; you must extend arms fully BEFORE lowering to ground
86.8kg X 84HSPU = 7291.2
Distance btwn hands = 39-42"
Here is a picture of my client Ryan D.R. aka "ShamWow" aka Shammy....yes he sweats A LOT! He won the "Best Looking Lift" award at our last Deadlift-O-Rama lifting 425lbs; the bonus of this award is you get to wear the Best Lift Glasses for the day. Way to go Shammy!!
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