Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Just made my coach's Prep Cake he made up! Yeah I ate the entire cake and I have macros left over! This cake came out pretty huge as I used double portions of cake mix and protein powder. This was chocolate Kaizan whey powder and butter milk, just add water mix, then the cocoa, dextrose and not listed is the Light Cool Whip and Walden Farms calorie free Carnel syurp👊 💥 All you on macros have to try this out. Type in YouTube search for Jeff Alberts Prep Cake for video🌟 Well do coach! #chadaction #actionconditioning #prepcake #prep #cake #macros #iifym #bodybuilder #physique #syrup #whipcream #fitat40 @actionconditioning #mancake #manbowl #kaizen @kaizennaturals #idfa

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