Saturday, April 18, 2015

Homemade Prep Refeed Pizza Per slice: F4g C20g P20g🌟 I had 5😁 and we made 8 slices🍕 Today is my glorious and hard earned....I will say that again "hard earned" refeed day of peace😎👌👊 Ingredients💥 White flour...yeah I said white and enriched OMG...get real! Pizza sauce Mushrooms Peppers Chives Ham Chicken Tomato Thin sliced pepperoni 1% low fat cheese The rest of this awesome za went to my hottie pregnant wife...she loved it😍 #chadaction #actionkitchen #actionconditioning #eatandtrainlikeapro @katrinabrandt429 #macros #iifym #idfa #pizza #preppizza #lowfat #cheese #bodybuilder #physique #fitat40 #fitness #foodporn #food #teamaction

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