Monday, December 08, 2014

Action 90 Transformation SUCCESS! Congratulations to Sandra Halverson for losing Cindy also placed 1st in the Top Female Transformation Category! Sandra saw a huge change in her physique, but she also made significant performance improvements as well. Some of these improvements include: - Max Static Chin Up Hold: 0 sec (day one), 7 sec (day 90) - 1 min Squats: 30 (day one), 43 (day 90) - Max Hanging Knees to Hips: 17 (day one), 34 (day 90) If YOU want more information on our Action 90 Transformation Program that helped Sandra and hundreds of others, visit OR call 403-381-1313

from Action Conditioning


Action 90 Transformation SUCCESS! Congratulations to Cindy Veluw for your amazing body composition change! We can see that 6-pack starting to peak through! Cindy also placed 2nd in the Top Female Transformation Category! Cindy not only changed her body composition (down fat mass and increased lean mass), but she made significant performance improvements as well. Some of these improvements include: - 1 min Pushups: 0 (day one), 21 (day 90) - Max Static Chin Up Hold: 7 sec (day one), 40 sec (day 90) - 1 min Squats: 33 (day one), 52 (day 90) - Max Hanging Knees to Hips: 15 (day one), 25 (day 90) If YOU want more information on our Action 90 Transformation Program that helped Cindy and hundreds of others, visit OR call 403-381-1313

from Action Conditioning


Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Friday, November 28, 2014

Action 90 Transformation SUCCESS! Congratulations to Anne Ross for losing 25 inches and 22lbs. Anne also was awarded with one of three Most Improved Awards for her improvements in the fitness/skill testing. She increased her metabolic testing numbers by 119%, indicating improvements in her strength and cardiovascular capacity. If YOU want more information on our Action 90 Transformation Program that helped Anne and hundreds of others, visit OR call 403-381-1313

from Action Conditioning


Action 90 Transformation SUCCESS! Congratulations to Kim Graham for losing 26.5 inches and 30lbs. Kim also was awarded with one of three Most Improved Awards for her improvements in the fitness/skill testing. Some of her biggest improvements include: 1 min Squats: 27 reps day one, 47 reps day 90 Static Chinup Hold: 0 sec day one, 11 sec day 90 1 min Situps: 21 reps day one, 35 day 90 1 min Pushups: 16 reps day one, 35 reps day 90 If YOU want more information on our Action 90 Transformation Program that helped Kim and hundreds of others, visit OR cal 403-381-1313

from Action Conditioning


Congratulations to all of our recent Action 90 Transformation and Action 90 Achieve graduates and top award winners. Each of these clients began their journey with motivation. Motivation to build new habits on their way to a stronger, healthier, and trimmer life. We would like to recognize our Top Achievement Winners for November 2014... MOST IMPROVED 1. Heather Bursaw 2. Anne Ross 3. Kim Graham Honorable Mention - Candi Percy, Jordon Mackinnon TOP MALE 1. Shahdi Henein TOP FEMALE 1. Sandra Halverson 2. Cindy Veluw 3. Colene McCuaig Honorable Mention - Laura Houthuys, Heather Bursaw STAY TUNED FOR TRANSFORMATIONS SOON!

from Action Conditioning


👍sweet Last Chance Workout today with my awesome A90T 9am ladies to finish off their 90 day program. HUGE results for this A90!!!Stay posted for all the great before and after photos and performance improvements!!!! Wanna drop some serious inches and improve your performance/fitness levels? Register now for January's A90 Transformation💥💥

from Action Conditioning


Happy Birthday to the love of my life, my beautiful wife, my best friend and aka weight smasher @katrinabrandt429 😍 💪 I love you babes 😘 @actionconditioning #actionmaniac #actionstyle #builtataction #birthday #wife #love #friends #builtataction #bikini #arms #quads #buff #ripped

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I had the pleasure of filling in for Coach Jess this morning. This is her client, Jordan, who killed her Last Chance Workout this morning to complete the A90 program. Jordan was joined by her mom, Bobbie, who is a personal training client with us. Well done ladies!!!

from Action Conditioning


Thursday, November 27, 2014

Nutrition Prescription Clients via Check-In days, I am writing everyone as a whole, and not calling anyone out here. Everyone has bad days in regards to nutrition, we fully understand that. So understand that there is no need to go into a full page email excuse on your check-in day explaining yourself. Simply tell us in a short email, “hey I had a couple bad days and got back on it finishing the week strong”. Your goal then is to minimize these bad days. Additionally, if you are checking in saying “I had a bad week”; (that means 7 days off the program) then, there are some questions to be answered here. Yes we understand life can get in the way like, if you had a family emergency and or were sick…we understand; so simply inform us saying, “hey not a great week, I will kill it next week”. No need for a full page explanation on why this happened, just the major concerns if any. The positive here is that you recognize that you fell off….now get back on the horse! *You better Check yourself before you Wreck yourself! **If the majority of your check-ins have you feeling any of the following: - making excuses as you write your check-in - writing down false information just to fill in check-in - not handing in full check-ins - while filling out check-in you feel like you dropped the ball again that week - not being honest with your coach Then you need to: First, you need to ask yourself if you are being totally honest with your coach and your check-ins. Second, you need to ask yourself if you are in this 100%! Thirdly, we need solid check-ins with great feedback, as this info is what we use as coaches to progress you towards your goals. If your check-ins are falsified or your effort is lackluster then ask yourself this; Does my effort match my goals? *We can give you the best plan prescribed individually for you… is up to you and only you to execute this plan and get some great results week in and week out!

from Action Conditioning


Action Maniacs!!! Keebo Sports Supplements Lethbridge is having their BIGGEST SALE of the year!! Save 30-50% off everything in stock! Now until Sunday. Great time to stock up or try something new.

from Action Conditioning


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

from Action Conditioning


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

You asked for it! Here it is :-) Book your DMP at Dialed in Meal Plan (DMP) $75 per month for a minimum of 3month sign up $70 per month for a minimum of 6month sign up Why no 1 month fee? - We find giving a single meal plan is a disservice to the client. More info is needed in the future months to help the coach learn about the client’s nutritional needs and help progress the client in a healthy manor towards their goals. The aim of a DMP is three fold 1. To help get those lost in nutrition back on track 2. To create new eating habits and gain focus 3. To dial in your nutrition for a specific event or physique goal without the stress of tracking and check-ins. What is DMP? DMP incorporates monthly Skype or face to face office consultations. We find a face to face consultation really helps to understand the clients current situation, plus build the client coach teamwork mentality. DMP has unlimited email to help with any nutrition questions. DMP uses an individualized meal plan approach that gives you exactly what to eat and when to eat it. DMP will be designed for you based on your first consultation. What you get! - After your first consultation and individual homework an individualized nutrition meal plan will be created for you and your goals. - This meal plan provides you exactly what to eat and when to eat. - No homework needed; simply meet at your 4 week consultation to chat about progress, take measurements and photos. - You will be given a prescribed list of food substitutions to help keep things fresh. - You have unlimited email access to your coach. - Meals plans change every 4 weeks based on progression and the info gathered at monthly consultations. - Monthly photos and measurements to help with progression. Can you do this Online? - Yes! A Skype consultation will be your monthly check-in, email will be used for questions and picture / measurement instructions will be given to do on your own. I want Extra Consultations - Great communication and team work with your coach are key to help success! You can purchase extra Face to Face or Skype consultations on top of your already booked monthly consultation for: $15 per ½ hour / $30 per hour

from Action Conditioning


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Lots of motivation today for my Quads and Hamstring focus workout 💥👊 Got my @sadikhadzovic hat on, my Platinum Olympia VIP shirt on and the music cranked💪💥 being 6'1 it has been pretty tough growing some wheels...but hard work is paying off👍👍 Everyday I am manifesting Huge Wheels😜 #olympia #platinum #member #quads #hamstrings #legday #physique #idfa #bodybuilding #bodybuilder #natty #fitat40

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Repost because I think my wife is Hott!!!🔥@katrinabrandt47 and I love it when we get to train at the same time😜 Do you train with your significant other? Man am I also loving hats again! I used to hate wearing hats, now I am getting a hat addiction! #chadaction #teambrandt #teamaction #wife #fitchick #fitat40 #actionconditioning #hats #caps #lids

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Big Brandt's Bitchen Kitchen!! Again I love shopping in the #USA! We found these Flat Cut 9g Fiber, 16g carbs per slice👍👌 Made the perfect mini pizza last night and they tasted so good😛 TIP: when buying wraps try and find the highest fiber content. In Canada I have only found a 5g fiber content. Make pizza with these to help control your macros👍 #chadaction #actionconditioning #bitchenkitchen #macros #wtaps #fiber #fitat40 #food #pizza #minipizza

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Big Brandt's Bitchen Kitchen!! Again I love shopping in the #USA! We found these Flat Cut 9g Fiber, 16g carbs per slice Made the perfect mini pizza last night and they tasted so good TIP: when buying wraps try and find the highest fiber content. In Canada I have only found a 5g fiber content. Make pizza with these to help control your macros #chadaction #actionconditioning #bitchenkitchen #macros #wtaps #fiber #fitat40 #food #pizza #minipizza

from Action Conditioning


Saturday, September 27, 2014

Got to try out VORTEX by @bpi_sports today🌟💥🔥 and had a great workout! Tasted great as well👍👌 Got two more mini packs from our visit to the BPI Olympia booth last week, then I gots to get me some👊💪 Thanks BPI😄 #bpi #chadaction #preworkout #pumped #energy #focus #ripped #vortex

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My post workout donut was female😁 #donut #refeed #chadaction #macros #timhortons #iifym #chocolate #bostoncreame #delishous #abs #natty #bodybuilder

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In the fitness world this happens more than it should. they work their ass off, start seeing amazing results that they've manifested in their dreams and now they are starting to show up....then BAM they quit! Only to go back to the way they were, confused as to why this didn't work for them, placing blame on anything that will help cure the pain of quitting. Now they dream of their fitness goals again, sadly adding the thought of "what could of been!" Additionally those that attain a high level of physique fitness, like doing their first show, also feel this temptation but in a different light. They feel empowered by their level of conditioning, training is awesome, they feel amazing, they do their show, then BAM back to the daily grind. Things are ok for awhile as the high of attain a goal is still there, but this high crashes hard if a post competition plan is not followed! They were to reverse diet/train/cardio, but they decide to act like their old selves eating like a sumo wrestler, quitting on their goals, damaging their physique, psyique, and physiology! Sadly again only to go back to the way they were, dreaming of their fitness goals and adding the painful thought of "what was!" My challenge to you! Take this temptation head on and FEEL what it is like to keep moving forward, improving, learning, on your quest to what you see in your minds eye! Don't quit! In the end it is up to YOU! You could have the best coach in the world who makes you a plan towards success, but if YOU do not put effort into following this plan, that lands on YOU! #chadaction #actionconditioning #desire #inspire #motivate #develop #learn #growth #postcomp #reversediet #forward #goals #strength #coach #manifest #dreams

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Saturday, September 20, 2014