Friday, December 30, 2011

Thinking about getting fit, but do not have any idea of where to start?
At Action Conditioning we help guide your fitness needs; let us help
Here is a mini at home fit test to see where you are at. Please try this at home:
Step 1 = Warm-up well by doing a 5min brisk walk, and practicing the exercises below doing 3-4 reps each.
Step 2 = Give yourself about 90sec rest between exercises.
1st if the 5min walk killed you, then get your butt to AC for some help
2nd if the walk and warm up reps is all you had in the tank, call 403-381-1313; book your free consult
3rd Break out the video camera and video your form/technique during mini fit test
Mini Fit Test:
- 10 Spot On form push-ups from feet that you can be proud to demo in a high school gym
(What to look for in video = if you have butt sag, head poke, nose poke, hands are past your head and not under shoulders, feet and legs jammed together, shoulder blades not tracking, one arm does more work than the other, only going partially down)
- 30sec Super Front Plank Hold on elbows “think someone could eat their breakfast off my back”
Place your feet on some sort of riser or step so that your body is in a flat line when you go into plank.
(What to look for in video = butt sag, feet and legs jammed together,  shoulder blades touching, head is hanging out of neutral alignment)
- A Positive score on Sit and Reach  = aka fingers hover over and past toes; held for 3 sec
“think, if I cannot touch my toes now, sign me up for low back physiotherapy when I am older”
(what to look for in video = really look and feel your starting posture “are you sitting tall or is your back hunched over with straight legs even before you start the test, knees bending to help reach,  you pulled on your toes to help get past, you tried the test three times to get a positive score, you could not hold for 3 sec with fingers in the air, burning sensation in calves, pinch in low back)
* We would love to help you out this year with your fitness goals via our AWESOME Gym, or online training. Please contact us or 403-381-1313.

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