Tuesday, December 08, 2009


It was -40 today! The 6am clients I have were warming up in their toques and Hoodies to stay warm. Thank god for the big radiant heater that works wonders :-) there was even a layer of ice on the INSIDE of the windows!

I trained at 7am today: This is what I did.

A.) 3 sets: 1min rests
AMRAP P-Bar Push-ups WIDE; tempo 3131: 12/12/10
10 Wall Ball Shots to 12feet: CHECK

B.) 3 sets: 1min rests
AMRAP P-Bar Pike Presses, tempo 31x1: 12/10/9
DB External Rotation - 4-7/arm; rest 45 sec b/t arms: 6-4-5-4-5-4

C.) 3 sets: 30sec rests
AMRAP Plyo Push-up "Hands & Feet off floor: 13/13/10
15 reps /leg Split Squat no weight, tempo 21x1; CHECK

D.) 2 sets: No Rest
10 Push-up Burpees Jump to 8ft: CHECK
5 Strict HSPU: CHECK

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