Saturday, July 18, 2015

Placed 3rd in the IDFA Pro Bodybuilding International Championships🏆 This was the main show I was training for with @3dmj_godfather. My goal was placing higher than 4th which has been my highest pro placing thus far in competition. In the IDFA I have placed as high as 5th as a Pro, so success in my eyes👍🏼💪🏼 A couple quick thank you's before I fall asleep. Thank you Jeff for all you have done for me! Your kind words and insight during my prep when mom passed away meant a lot to me; thanks for being in my corner. To my wife who is my rock, my love, 1/2 of Team Brandt (soon to be a 3rd) and my everything, thank you for seeing more in me than I do....and thanks for all you have done for me this year😍 To all those friends who take the time to send me a motivational quick text or FB message, I loved those and used all of them to fuel my drive💪🏼 Now time to chill out and take in this awesome contest year👍🏼🍀 #chadaction #3dmj #actionconditioning #actionkitchen #teamaction #teambrandt #gratitude #grateful #motivate #aesthetics #idfa #IDFApro #fitness #fitat40 #natty #natural #ripped #shredded #shreds #buff #muscles

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