A scoop of PhD Pharma-Greens in my meal 1 oatmeal (strawberry kiwi flavour) starts my day every day✔️ Digestion plays a vital role in fat loss, recovery, and physique development✔️ If your digestion is off, there are internal stressors hampering your results! Think about it, if your body is in constant repair trying to fix your gut health, this will add more stress to an already over stressed body, only to slow your progress down big time! Poor digestion has so many downfalls like low nutrient uptake (how are you to recover from workouts?). Those that have optimal digestion see the best results✔️ So peeps please focus on getting that digestion working for you and not against you 👍🏼 and reap the rewards of a well running body machine🚀 #chadaction #actionkitchen #actionconditioning #greens #digestion #phdgreens #guthealth #fatloss #gains #health #fitat40 #fitness #wellbeing
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