My morning HIIT/MISS/LISS cardio on my stepper Charlie🎯 The 400 comes from what I write in my daily workout journal like this: AM fasted cardio Charlie 400cal (then I type up my cardio intervals I did that session as I always plan to "get better" even by 10-30sec at higher intensity for sprints). On a different note; I use my cardio to get me "FEELS" right, meaning I use my cardio time to practice my manifestation goals. Using music, visualizing what I want to attract and "feeling" the emotion of receiving my goal is something I practice every cardio session. This makes me feel like my cardio has more focus, more intent and meaning. Don't get me wrong I still sprint my ass off when the time comes and my focus is on killing that sprint! Additionally, what I also like to do with my cardio in my gym, another gym or outside is actually steal people's energy! So if I see someone on a stepper leaning all over it taking half their body weight off or someone using an incline on a treadmill yet holding the handrails (do you really think you are burning those calories? Nope) ... I just say to myself,"hey let me help you out there lazy pants and use their energy"...LOL hey it works for me! So peeps make your cardio have meaning, intention, focus and practice manifesting your goals while doing it, instead of dreading it and giving a poor effort. Plus those people I steal energy from, good job for doing some work, now focus and "get better"😀 Need help with "getting better" just ask me when I am done working out💪🏻👍🏻😀 #chadaction #actionstyle #actionconditioning #cardio #charliethestepper #stepper #sweat #fitat40 #focus #intent #inspire #idfapro #idfa #wnbfpro #wnbf #inbf #workhard #thoughtsbecomethings #manifest #attraction #aesthetics #a90 #achieve #athlete
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