Monday, July 13, 2015

Everyone thinks about self improvement🌟 We have all caught ourselves daydreaming of what we want and wish for. These thoughts are your rehearsals for future action to take place! Listen to these rehearsals as they are guiding all you have to do is #takeaction 💪🏻 🌟 You are in charge of your thoughts! Get better at finding the positive outcome instead of worrying about shit that is out of your control....these worries are also thought rehearsals as well...not as powerful as a positive thoughts, but can gain momentum if enough energy is placed into them. #getbetter peeps! #dowork #actionconditioning #actionstyle #chadaction #motivate #motivation #fitat40 #fitness #shredded #shreds #ripped #positivevibesonly #positivity #physique #idfapro #wnbfpro #idfa #wnbf #inbf #muscle #workhard #freud #thoughtsbecomethings

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