Wednesday, July 15, 2015

A surprise arrived today from @marc.fontaine🏆name plates! My @inbfcanada trophies did not have name plates when I first win them, now they are complete and look great🏆. Thanks #inbfcanada again and thanks Marc for sending them my way👍🏼 So very grateful😀 Grattutude💥💪🏼 #chadaction 🍀 #actionconditioning #actionstyle #trophy #inbf #wnbfpro #wnbf #fitat40 #paragon #paragonfitwear #bodybuilder #fitness #physique #masters #overall #middleweight #aesthetics #motivate #gratitude #grateful

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💥BAM🚀 Love this shirt by my sponsors @paragonfitwear 👍🏼 This shirt is: Physique Tee - Royal Blue. This shirt firs so nice!! It is super lightweight. breathable and is designed to have a tapered waist, tapered chest and shorter sleeves to show off them pipes💪🏼 It is also fast drying for all you sweaty folks! I am telling you I love this shirt!!! You want one? Go to my profile and click the link! Want 10% off your order? Enter ChadB in the coupon code✔️ 💥 🍀Clothing info: In this picture I am wearing a large. I am in full prep right now 3 days out from my pro show so no body fat just shreds sitting at 170lbs. #paragonfitwear #paragon #chadaction #actionconditioning #actionstyle #shirt #buff #muscles #muscle #ripped #aesthetic #idfa #fitness #fitat40 #fitwear #getbetter

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We are bringing in new products from KaizenNaturals... What do YOU want us to bring in?

from Action Conditioning

My morning HIIT/MISS/LISS cardio on my stepper Charlie🎯 The 400 comes from what I write in my daily workout journal like this: AM fasted cardio Charlie 400cal (then I type up my cardio intervals I did that session as I always plan to "get better" even by 10-30sec at higher intensity for sprints). On a different note; I use my cardio to get me "FEELS" right, meaning I use my cardio time to practice my manifestation goals. Using music, visualizing what I want to attract and "feeling" the emotion of receiving my goal is something I practice every cardio session. This makes me feel like my cardio has more focus, more intent and meaning. Don't get me wrong I still sprint my ass off when the time comes and my focus is on killing that sprint! Additionally, what I also like to do with my cardio in my gym, another gym or outside is actually steal people's energy! So if I see someone on a stepper leaning all over it taking half their body weight off or someone using an incline on a treadmill yet holding the handrails (do you really think you are burning those calories? Nope) ... I just say to myself,"hey let me help you out there lazy pants and use their energy"...LOL hey it works for me! So peeps make your cardio have meaning, intention, focus and practice manifesting your goals while doing it, instead of dreading it and giving a poor effort. Plus those people I steal energy from, good job for doing some work, now focus and "get better"😀 Need help with "getting better" just ask me when I am done working out💪🏻👍🏻😀 #chadaction #actionstyle #actionconditioning #cardio #charliethestepper #stepper #sweat #fitat40 #focus #intent #inspire #idfapro #idfa #wnbfpro #wnbf #inbf #workhard #thoughtsbecomethings #manifest #attraction #aesthetics #a90 #achieve #athlete

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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Peak Week Pizza🍕🍕 Made my #preppizza Low fat style with asparagus, hot sauce chicken skim milk cheese, mushrooms, garlic, Roma tomatoes & seasonings💥 Turned out great! I'm eat half now and saving half for later tonight👍🏼 #chadaction #actionkitchen #actionconditioning #pizza #idfa #prep #fitat40 #peak #peakweek #fitness #physique #food #macros #iifym #nutrition #ripped #shreds #shredded #

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Peak Week Pizza🍕🍕 Made my #preppizza Low fat style with asparagus, hot sauce chicken skim milk cheese, mushrooms, garlic, Roma tomatoes & seasonings💥 Turned out great! I'm eat half now and saving half for later tonight👍🏼 #chadaction #actionkitchen #actionconditioning #pizza #idfa #prep #fitat40 #peak #peakweek #fitness #physique #food #macros #iifym #nutrition #ripped #shreds #shredded #

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6 days out from my show, the #IDFA Pro International Championships🚀 Brining my best package to date! Check out these "Paragon Technical Fitted Bottoms" to train and lounge in💪🏼 Pretty sweet💥 Want these? Go to my Bio✔️ and click on the link. Want a 10% discount? Enter ChadB in the coupon code💰#chadaction #actionconditioning #paragon #paragonfitwear @paragonfitwear @actionconditioning #fitat40 #fitwear #shreds #glutes #shredded #buff #ripped #aesthetic #fitness #prep #peakweek #peak #discount

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Saturday, July 11, 2015

@katrinabrandt429 is a sponsored @kaizennaturals athlete👍🏼 She asked me to test out the new PreWorkout today as she cannot due to being pregnant😍 I am 7 days out from my #IDFA Pro show, took this PreWorkout and smashed a wicked leg workout today big time! Great energy and focus!! I loved this product👍🏼Lemonade Flavour🍋 tasted great and banned substance free!! I also threw in a calf shot as I have veins popping out everywhere right now and this is a first for my calves and quads being so vascular😜 Thanks #kaizan 👍🏼#chadaction #actionconditioning #actionkitchen #aesthetic #calves #veins #ripped #preworkout #prep #workout #fitat40 #fitness #buff #shreds #shredded #exercise

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AC's Adventure Athletes tackling the Cargo Net, 6' and 8' Wall this morning👍 making it look easy😎

from Action Conditioning

OMG I did not work today and was invited to family golf day! ⛳️. I can honestly say I have not played golf for over a year and we had a blast!! Big eye opener for me on the relaxing side of life as I love to work and am dedicated to my goals, but need this as well😎 Missing my wife today but her back is killing her from the pregnancy...a little side shopping instead👌🏼 Thanks Burton crew for the game👍🏼 #family #golf #nowork #fun #relax #chill #sun #balance #refreshed #refresh

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My lovey wife😘 @katrinabrandt429 😍 Looking stellar today🌺 I love you more & more each day, so lucky🍀 #love #wife #family #chadaction #actionconditioning #baby #babybump #hottie #hot #pregnant #lovely

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Friday, July 10, 2015

I am extremely excited to announce that I am now a #brandambassador with @paragonfitwear ‼️ Paragon - a model of excellence or perfection. Something I believe in... Constant pursuit of excellence. Not just in fitness but all aspects of our lives. With this sponsorship it brings discounts to my friends, family, and followers that purchase the brands TOP QUALITY products. Sweet tanks, tshirts, athletic pants, hats, etc. Order today and save 10% when you use my discount code: chadb ✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️ #paragonfitness #paragonfitwear #athlete #athleticgear #workout #fitness #bodybuilding #bodybuilder #progress #proathlete #idfa #inbfcanada #inbf #wnbf #workhard #sweat #idfapro #wnbfpro #excellence #positivity #positivevibesonly

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New video up and ready for your learning and viewing pleasure😎"Get Better" We have nothing but time to keep getting better at anything we choose! What we need to decrease are the insanity driven quick fixes, using the scale to judge all your efforts and giving negative comments to others hard work just to name a few. Get better means to actually have a positive outlook on everything you are doing from training, being kind to others and turning yourself into a progressing genius in life😀 Have a watch😀 Like the video and follow me with @chadaction on both YT & IG if you want some motivation as I am here to give back😀 Have a great day peeps! #chadaction #actionconditioning #actionstyle #gratitude #appreciation #love #motivation #motivate #muscle #fitat40 #fitat40 #focus #getbetter #progress #change #transformation #train #inspire

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Thursday, July 09, 2015

Reminder: Action Conditioning will close at 5pm tomorrow to accommodate the 3rd ave. S. road closure due to Street Wheelers. There will be no 5pm fit camp or 6pm Strength and Conditioning class. Furthermore, the large parking lot to the west of the building (in front of Vivint) will likely be blocked off from 10am onward. Clients can park directly in front of the gym or on the the east side of the building instead. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

from Action Conditioning

💥WOW💥🚀 I just got my Star Wars Hero Box in the mail from and it exceeded my expectations!! if you are a Star Wars nerd like me you have to try one of these boxes👍🏼 #superhero #superherostuff #starwars #nerds #collectables #comics #herobox

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9 days out💥 Woke up dry and started going over my morning mantras👍🏼 I have incorporated little positive mantras & affirmations that I repeat to myself silently & out loud to help with my mental game this contest season. It has worked wonders for me thus far as on the past I can get pretty harsh on myself and this was translating into a water holding stress induced physique. My Tip for all you in prep & those on their fitness journeys is to work on the mental game of being happy, giving yourself gratitude for your hard work daily. Placing this positive focused energy towards your self will lessen stress and help pave the path towards your goals😎 Remember the fitness journey is more than the kitchen and gym....much more! Be kind to yourself & others👍🏼 #chadaction #actionconditioning #actionkitchen #idfa #ripped #aesthetic #buff #physique #natural #natty #mantra #positive #mental #affirmations #gratitude #believe #nutrition #fitat40 #fitness #transformation #energy

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Experienced Obstacle Course Racer and Team Action Trainer, Joel Robinson, will be hosting a Rope Climb Clinic on Saturday, July 18 at 10:30-11am. If you are registered for a Spartan Race, Mud Hero, Tough Mudder, etc this season come and learn the optimal technique for making it up the rope. He will teach technique, watch/correct form, and provide feedback on how to improve leading into the race season. Registration is capped at 8 participants so register early! Cost is $12 + gst and registrants are welcome to stay after the clinic to continue to practice. Register online now and secure your spot:

from Action Conditioning

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Power has just been resumed. Thank you for your patience.

from Action Conditioning

As of 4:15pm We are currently without power at the facility. We will continue to update you in comments as to the status of the power and if the facility, open gym, and/or evening classes will be running tonight. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and are doing our best to keep our customers informed.

from Action Conditioning

Askhole: bitch about no change, yet ask questions non stop about how to change, but unwilling to change! #shutup #work #change #chadaction #actionconditioning #fitness #train #effort #fitat40 #transformation #exercise #food #nutrition #physique

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We still have a couple (1-3 spots) left in each of the following Summer Programs running in July & August: *A90 Summer Bootcamp: Mondays & Wednesdays 5-6am or 5:30-6:30pm *Knockout: Tuesdays & Wednesdays 6:30-7pm *Brandt's Booty Beauties: Tuesdays 7-8pm *Adventure Athletes: Wednesdays 5:30-6:30am Online registration has closed, but you can still register: At the facility (1602-3rd Avenue S) Over the Phone (403) 381-1313 For more information on the classes, please visit our website:

from Action Conditioning

Friday, July 03, 2015