Here is a great quote I read early this morning. "Good timber does not grow with ease; the stronger the wind, the stronger the trees." J. Willard Marriott🌱🌲 This rings true in all ways of life. Examples I thought of after reading this quote were: building your goal physique. You have to lift, eat well, track progress, analyze progress, be consistent, make plans and work hard to stimulate growth. Another example I thought of was how you view your own potential when going for a goal. Do you first see the potential and opportunity in a situation? Or do you first see all roadblocks and limitations? In both examples where do you see the opportunity to grow! You must operate from a dynamic sense of possibility, a sense of what you can do! If your initial thoughts to a situation are to see all the limitations, overpowering your potential opportunities, do you think growth will occur? Hell no! Why? Beliefs in limits create limited people. Example: I wanna do your program, I am going to kick ass in it...but my knee hurts, I can't do this, I won't eat that. Or I just thought I would do this instead. Or "is the program hard, cause if it's hard I will just quit"! Do you see how fast potential and opportunity can be chopped down by limitational thinking! Set yourselves up for success, see your potential, write it down, and when a roadblock hits, know it is there for a reason, a reason of opportunity to grow! Stop seeing limitations, see opportunity! #chadaction #opportunity #potential #manifest #shredded_academy #actionconditioning #actionstyle #projectaction #teambrandt #teamaction #growth #aesthetics #ripped #shredded_academy #shredded #paragonfitwear
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