Friday, July 16, 2010

FITNESS JOURNEY(Staying on the path to YOUR goals)

Ponder this thought: If you are in Lethbridge and your goal is to reach Calgary, how would you go about getting to Calgary? The answer is easy: drive, fly, motorbike, bike, hell even run, walk, roller blade, get the picture? No matter what your mode of transportation, if you face in the direction of Calgary, and continue to move on that path to Calgary, then YOU MUST REACH Calgary".

I hear so many fantastic fitness related goals from all sorts of people every where I go that truely inspire me because I can FEEL the passion behind their goals. After those goals have been made, a new path has shown itself to the individual, but sadly the majority of the people who create these goals never make it to the next step of attainment. Why? What do you do next? What is the next step?
A plan needs to be created to arrive at the destination point, similar to planning a trip abroad. Details of the trip must be layed out over a period of time. Planning the trip details creates YOUR very own road map to success. This plan is filled with specifics you want, like trip time, sites to see, where to eat, what to pack and where to sleep are all outlined to have the best trip possible. So lets do this to start your fitness journey!
Plan your fitness journey related goals to create your successful road map to stay on track. Planning your journey will let you see it on paper. Seeing it on paper will create a feeling like the trip has already begun, success has already started!


- Take no short cuts! There are NO short cuts! Short cuts are the main reason people cannot stay on a fitness journey. Short cuts mean your damn lazy!
- Plan your workout days and days off; check these off on a calander for all to see.
- Keep a journey journal (say that 5 times fast) to get your thoughts out. Some trips have small road blocks. Writing about these road blocks can give you the heads up to not hit that road block again.
- Get some help to plan your journey out. (a coach, a trainer)
- Having a support team for planning and playing will help you through those road blocks. A support team is vital!

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