This is a picture of my client and girlfriend
"Black Kat". She is performing an Overhead Squat with 170lbs. Katrina is 107lbs! Now do you girls want Kat & I to teach you this? Is she big and bulky? No...just dam sexy! Maybe Katrina can share a little insight to how she got into training and how much she hated lifting weights and going to the gym.
Now I never see her!!! She is HOOKED!
Got to train with my sweetie pie today at my old stomping grounds, the UofL.
I love going back to the U and busting out a mean wod :-)
It's all good baby! Even though I have been away from the UofL for awhile now, it has this good feeling about it. Katrina and I were reminiscing about old times....this is were we both went to university and met for the first time. Additionally this is where I lured in the Black Kat with my skills of seduction and savvy Merengue, Swing and Salsa abilities :-) Remember those times Kat ;-)
Today's Training is by my coach OPT (Kat and I had to do both WODs back to back)
Training:part 1:A1. Bench Press @ 30X0; 10 sets of 1; rest 120 sec
A2. Chin Ups @ 20X0; 10 sets of 1; rest 120 sec
Rest 2+ hours
part 2:for time;
50 KBS - 2/1.5 pd
20 GHD sit ups
10 box jumps - 30/24"
40 KBS - 2/1.5 pd
20 GHD sit ups
20 box jumps - 30/24"
30 KBS - 2/1.5 pd
20 GHD sit ups
30 box jumps - 30/24"
20 KBS - 2/1.5 pd
20 GHD sit ups
40 box jumps - 30/24"
10 KBS - 2/1.5 pd
20 GHD sit ups
50 box jumps - 30/24"
ACTION's Results:my body weight today is 181.3lbs
A1.) 225# took it easy as my should is starting to feel strong again :-)
A2.) 95# could of went up to 100 but kept things in check
WOD TIME: 25:29
Black Kat's Results:
her body wt 107lbs
A1.) 95#
A2.) 50# (1/2 her body weight.....NICE!)
WOD TIME: 20:05 (attacked and mawled by the Black Kat!)