Sunday, August 02, 2015

Today's lower body workout brought to you by my new Deadpool shirt💥I have been starting from scratch learning about this awesome character‼️ Cannot stop reading❗️I am sure the Merc only gets better as he is now rocking Wolverines blood and the Hulks blood!..Can't wait for what is next! SO I used this as motivation for today with some squats and deadlifts💪🏼in my Deadpool costume🚀 Have to get the toque mask now😜Hey I like to make my training fun⚡️#chadaction #actionstyle #comicnerd #deadpool #wolverine #hulk #teambrandt #teamaction #IDFApro #wnbfpro #aesthetic #fitat40 #superhero #superherofreak #naturalbodybuilder #marvel

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