Monday, August 31, 2015

Superman Inspired Leg Day Warm-up = dynamic with and emphasis on hamstring and glute activation. Workout A. BSQ 4x5r @ 30X1; R2-3min B. BSQ Cluster 4x5r @ 80% off A. @ 2121; R30sec C. SL Deadlifts 4x8-10r @ 2121; R40sec after 2nd leg D. Glute hip Thrust 4x8-10r @ 21X2; R60sec E. SL BSQ 1x5-5-5-5-5-5 F1. Seated Hamstring curls toes inward 4x8-10 @ 2122; R10sec F2. Standing calf raises 4x8-10r @ 2212; R20sec 💪🏼👍🏼😎👌🏼‼️💥 Need help with your workouts? Email us info@action #chadaction #actionstyle #actionconditioning #freeworkout #free #workout #lowerbody #quads #glutes #hams #calves #superman @dcentertainment @dccomics #superhero #comics

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