Sunday, May 17, 2015

Competition Prep food made easy💪 Was not wanting my broccoli today so I switched it up with my Franks Red Hot, Chilli & Cracked Black Pepper Chicken Romaine Tacos👊 So easy and so good!! Plus I ate two huge handfuls of raw spinach😁 My goal today is to save up some carbs by hitting my micronutrients, electrolytes and fiber first so I can make a prepcake tonight with froyo😍 happing prepping peeps! #chadaction #actionkitchen #actionconditioning #eatandtrainlikeapro #macros #muscle #prep #prepfood #iifym #bodybuilder #physique #fitat40 #fitness #food #taco #teamaction #teambrandt #franks #franksrefhot #chicken

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