Thursday, June 25, 2015

If you are super nerdy about nutrition and training like me you wanna know if everything you are doing is optimized to be an anabolic ass kicker both in the gym and when you sleep to regenerate. I love this app Cronometer as it can track your vitamin and mineral levels. So many are super low in magnesium (chocolate cravers listen up) and potassium. Once you get these up to par I am positive training and recovery will get optimized and your chocolate cravings will lessen πŸ‘πŸΌ People crave chocolate because it is full of magnesium (getting it from other nutrient dense sources as well as Chocolate is of all worlds right😜) Everyone is unique so start tracking and see where you are at and what works for you 😎 train hard and smart peeps πŸ˜€ #chadaction #actionconditioning #actionkitchen #macros #vitamins #minerals #eatandtrainlikeapro #teambrandt #teamaction #grow #train #eat #live #recover #anabolic

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