Friday, June 12, 2015

Adherence and Consistency are the keys to your physique success 💪🏼. #myfitnesspal has these cool charts showing you progress over time. As you can see I did not rush my progress for my prep this competition year, I started very slowly and gradually made progress over the year. My goals were to keep on as much muscle as I could, enjoy all foods, create a higher caloric buffer in my offseason so my prep had more calories to lean out on and lastly to enjoy the process that fit my life! A trend I see in those that are successful is consistency day in and day out! This goes just the same for those that fall off the wagon...yes you are consistent at going to extremes that are not matching up with what will give you success! Example: stopping all carbs when you where eating a shit load of them prior to making this you think you will last? No! You will for a few days then go back to carbs. This is not fun nor is it productive or healthy. Stop hurting yourselves and going to extremes, put in the work, be consistent, be patient and adhere to your plan, not wavering one bit! Most important enjoy the journey🌟 Need help contact us at #chadaction #actionconditioning #actionkitchen #consistency #contestprep #fatloss #goals #aesthetics #natural #natty #bodybuilder #buff #builtataction #ripped #adherence #goals #goldenaesthetics #fitat40 #fitness #prep

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