Thursday, December 31, 2015
Happy New Year from Super Boy and the Brandts💥🍾 #babyboy #babybrandt #superboy #superman #son #teambrandt #teamaction #actionconditioning #chadaction
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Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Things that make go Hmm😇😇You buy your staff swiffer dusters two weeks ago and they still are not opened or used. #actionconditioning #swiffer #swifferduster #staff #troubles #hmm #iforgot #iassumed #duties #work #facebookwreckseverything
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Monday, December 21, 2015
The two loves of my life😍So very grateful😘 #love #family #momasboy #mom #mother #teambrandt #teamaction #chadaction #mornings #grateful #gratitude #familylife #lovemyfamily @katrinabrandt429
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Saturday, December 19, 2015
What a cool Christmas gift!! @katrinabrandt429 and I got this from our clients Char & Darren and we just realized, after opening the card yesterday and being thankful then...early this morning while reading @danielleburger post that this ornament is very special‼️ I can't believe we missed it, I think is is camouflaged lol. All you Canadian peeps look very close at the ornament....what do you see? Thank you very much! Giving is receiving 😀🌲 #gift #money #ornaments #chadaction #teamaction #actionconditioning #christmas #givingisreceiving
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Friday, December 18, 2015
Batman learned did you? #gains #teamaction #actionconditioning #teambrandt #chadaction #natty #batman #dc @dccomics @dccomicsunited @dcentertainment #lift #cardio #cardiokiller
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Thursday, December 17, 2015
So much for boys night👎🏼Jax totally takes after his mom falling asleep watching Fanboys!! #sleep #nap #moviesleep #son #boysnight #dad #momasboy #fatherandson #movienight
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Upper body post workout pump💥 Improvement season in full effect and loving it✔️ Like this hat? Get 10% off using CHADB when checking out at 👊🏼You can also go to my bio and click the #paragonfitwear link✔️ #chadaction #teamaction #teambrandt #team3dmj @3dmj_godfather #natty #natural #buff #aesthetics #ripped #shreds @shredded_life_ @fit_over_40 #fitover40 #fitnessaddict #fitness #fit @aestheticsarmy @aestheticrevolution @shredded_academy @shreddnation
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Sunday, December 13, 2015
Jaxen's personality is growing with two new looks😂 He makes me smile and laugh every day😀 Thanks Jax😜 #babybrandt #smile #babysmile #dad #dads #father #son #teambrandt #love #family #look #thelook
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Saturday, December 12, 2015
I am one lucky man😍 I get to give my son Jax his bottle when Kat is working out, then I get some cuddles and a nap👍🏼 @katrinabrandt429 #son #babyboy #baby #dad #dads #father #babycuddles #babybrandt #nap #naps #cuddles
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Friday, December 11, 2015
A fun pic from by @ron_sombilon of my WNBF Pro show chopping down on my 3rd place medal🤓 Gotta have fun people or your fitness journey is not complete👍🏼💥 #chadaction #actionconditioning #teamaction #teambrandt #3dmj #wnbf #inbf #pro #natty #natural #instapic #aesthetics #ripped #shreds @aesthetic_revolution @aestheticsarmy #fitover40 #fitnessaddict @fit_over_40 @shredded_life_ @thefitacademy
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Tuesday, December 08, 2015
Jaxen all pimped out for his trip the the gym today to watch his daddy train💪🏼👍🏼 #superman #baby #adidas #outfit #clothes #baby #babyboy #style #teambrandt #teamaction #actionstyle #actionconditioning @actionconditioning @katrinabrandt429
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Sunday, December 06, 2015
Happy anniversary to my beautiful queen😘 I love you so very much😍 Jaxen and I are so very blessed to have you our lives😋 Love You!!!! #wife #family #son #wifeandson #love #anniversary #wedding #marriage @katrinabrandt429
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Saturday, December 05, 2015
My son is turning into quite the character😎 The many faces of The Jax😜 Love you little man!!! #chadaction #babybrandt #babysuperhero #babyson #son #kids #family #love @starwars @starwarsdaily @marvel #hulk #stormtrooper #dad #dads #daddysboy #father
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Friday, December 04, 2015
Smashed legs today! RDL's at hypertrophy reps and rocking my @paragonfitwear hat & tshirt ‼️ All new stock for guys and gals! Use CHADB when you check out to save some cash! #paragon #paragonfitwear #chadaction #actionconditioning #actionstyle #teamaction #teambrandt #deadlifts #rdl #lift #DUP #phase #block #sweat #natty #fitover40 #fitnessaddict #fit #fitness #tshirt #hat #lids
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Wednesday, December 02, 2015
5 years of focused bodybuilding. Left was my very first show as a novice in the IDFA, which I am now a Pro in. I was so new to the sport but so very excited about my journey. On the right was my last show as a WNBF Pro in November. I started bodybuilding when I was 35 years old with the goal of actually training hard at it for 5 years fully committed! Today at 41 years old I can honestly say making that 5 year goal to myself was the initial driving force to my success. Why? Because I wanted a journey! I wanted to have the full blown experience and feel what it was like to be full committed to my goal and improving. 💪🏼 👊🏼Why? I have been that guy who wanted fast results, got fast results, and then just quit because my initial investment (goals) sucked and were not focused. Learning from my past mistakes led me towards making my 5 year goal. During that time I have worked with the best coaches in the industry, made some awesome new friends, learned a ton about myself, increased my training knowledge, got to travel and compete with my wife and clients, got sponsored, earned two pro cards and grew to love the sport even more! My advice to all you guys and girls, the stage lasts 10-15min max, yes it is an awesome unforgettable experience, but in the end it is the journey that I am still on that made everything so much fun and not just a quick fix! Think long term and make it a fitness journey that will work for YOU! Here's to the the fitness journey!!! #chadaction #idfa #inbf #wnbf @idfamania @inbfcanada @wnbf #bodybuilder #natty #natural #fitnessaddict #fitness #fit #fitover40 @fit_over_40 #aesthetics #ripped #shreds #journey #fitnessmotivation #getfit #buff #muscle
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Tuesday, December 01, 2015
I get home from work and find these two having a power snooze, so I snuck a pic😍👌🏼 Love you both tons of bunches!!! @katrinabrandt429 #son #baby #babybrandt #wife #wifeandson #love #family #babylife #snooze #sleep #nap
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Monday, November 30, 2015
Epic shot from my WNBF Pro show by @ron_sombilon 💥Fit over 40 #actionconditioning #teamparagon #workout #wnbf #wnbfpro @wnbf @inbfcanada #idfa #idfapro @extremeaesthetics @aesthetic_revolution @fit_over_40 @thefitacademy #ripped @shreddnation @shredded_life_ @shredded_academy #shredz #aesthetics @aestheticsarmy #natty #natural #teamaction #3dmj @3dmj_godfather
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Sunday, November 29, 2015
Jax met Santa today with his "OMG Santa" shirt on #thrilled #santa #chadaction #babybrandt #baby #son #santapics #happy #omgsanta
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Friday, November 27, 2015
My cat has Wampa breath😷 Three weeks until Star Wars! 💥 #starwars #chadaction @starwars @starwarsdaily #force #theforceawakens #wampa #maytheforcebewithyou #cats #cat
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Thursday, November 26, 2015 💥Huge Black Friday sale!!! Up to 60% off specific products💥💪🏻👍🏻New stringers and shorts🌟Click my link above and save on some awesome workout wear‼️ #chadaction @paragonfitwear #paragon #paragonfitwear #clothes #tanks #stringers #shorts #actionconditioning #teamparagon #workout #fitness
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Stay tuned for our announcement for our one day only Black Friday membership deals! We will not have another sale like this for a long time!!
from Action Conditioning
Great pic by INBF/WNBF photographer @ron_sombilon of the WNBF Pro top 3. #chadaction #inbf #wnbf #teambrandt #teamaction #actionconditioning #ripped #shreds #natty #natural #aesthetics #pro
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Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Coaches Chad & Katrina Brandt are currently accepting new Contest Prep Clients for Spring 2015 Contests! They have limited spots available. If you are looking to stand on stage this Spring contact us and signup before Dec 31 for additional savings. Prices increase January 1. Email for more information and to sign up. Upcoming competitions near us: - NPAA (Calgary) May 2016 - INBF (Calgary) May 2016 - IDFA (Calgary) June 2016 - INBF (Winnipeg) June 2016 - Femsport (Calgary) June 2016
from Action Conditioning
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Jaxen all wrapped up in his Darth Vader blanket he got from his Great Auntie Roma💥I found this mini lightsaber in London Drugs....he can almost grip it💪🏼 Thanks Auntie Roma👍🏼 #Vader #darthvader #starwars #babyjedi #jedi #chadaction @katrinabrandt429 #babybrandt #baby #lightsaber
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Friday, November 20, 2015
💥👊🏼My other great score at King of Trade tonight with my Toews jersey deal💥 Perry is another of my favourite Canadian hockey players! Plus I actually like this Ducks third jersey and colour! Man what a good night!!! #teamcanada #canadianhockey #chadaction #perry #ducks #anaheimducks #coryperry #nhl #canada #mancave #jersey
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💥👌🏼BAM! Another great jersey for my Man Cave collection! Captain Canada! I got this jersey at the King of Trade Midnight Madness sale tonight. For months I have been looking at this jersey and 3 other ones. Bartered back and forth and scored a sweet sweet deal plus another Jersey in the deal! Stay posted! #jersey #nhl #chicagoblackhawks #toews #mancave #chadaction #canadianhockey #teamcanada #captaincanada #blackhawks
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Thursday, November 19, 2015
#tbt My wife @katrinabrandt429 made our son Jax his 1st ultrasound pic into a shirt👌🏼My boy is already 1 month old❗️ Starting to smile at us and he laughs in his sleep😍 #daddysboy #babyson #baby #babylife #teambrandt #babybrandt #family #love #son
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Wednesday, November 18, 2015
First WHL Lethbridge Hurricanes game at 4 weeks old💥 Jaxen did great and lasted the entire game👍🏼 Bonus, the Canes won!! #family #love #wife #daddy #dads #WHL #hurricanes #lethbridgehurricanes #hockey #juniorhockey #firsthockeygame #daddysboy
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We have been asked by a bunch of people to put on a Youth Sport Conditioning class (ages 8 to 13/14) starting in January. The class will run for 10 weeks at a cost of $110 + GST... We want to hear from YOU about your preferred day/time! Options are: Wednesday's 5-6pm, Wednesday's 6-7pm, OR Thursday's 7-8pm If you/your child is interested, please comment with your preferred time!!
from Action Conditioning
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
To all the dads out there that chatted with me when I did not have a child, you were right! Coming home to my son and my wife are the best part of my day👍🏼 Full on Jaxen cuddles right now!! #myson #family #babybrandt #myson #baby #dad #dads #daddy #wife #love #family love @katrinabrandt429
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Sunday, November 15, 2015
Well I take my family out for a special coffee and go to check on Jaxen....yeah this is what I got👊🏼😜 HA! Good stuff:) Live you too buddy😍 #middlefinger #chadaction @katrinabrandt429 #baby #myson #babybrandt #funnybaby
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Huge congratulations to online contest prep client, Jay Taylor, for placing 4th in the NLABBA (Newfoundland Amateur Bodybuilding Association) Men's Physique! This was also Jay's 1st ever competition. It seems like people assume you have to "starve" and significantly restrict calories if you want to make the stage... At Jay's LOWEST he consumed over 2600 calories (265g from carbs) daily and show day over 5000 calories!! Clearly it's not always about calorie restriction to accomplish such an incredible physique! Congratulations Jay!
from Action Conditioning
Saturday, November 14, 2015
@actionconditioning @chadaction client congratulations to @jtayhey for placing a very close 4th in today's NLABBA Men's Physique, his very first show! Plus a great pic from his photo shoot👊🏼👌🏼Big things ahead for this guy just starting out!! Proud of you Jay! #actionstyle #actionconditioning #teamaction #chadaction #NLABBA #nlabba2015 #nlabbaphysique #physique #ripped #aesthetics #shreds
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Our @actionconditioning client @jtayhey hitting the stage today in men's physique NLABBA👊🏼 Looking on point and ready for his first show ever! Super proud of this guy!! #NLABBA #physique #abs #shreds #aesthetics #ripped #natty #chadaction #teamaction
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Friday, November 13, 2015
Milk waisted🍼😴 #chadaction #babybrandt #babyson #milkwaisted #milk #son #babylife
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Wednesday, November 11, 2015
I will remember. Thank you to all who served and gave their lives for us to have what we love today. #remember #adaytoremember #vetransday #remembranceday #family #life #love #friends #veterans #chadaction
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Tuesday, November 10, 2015
We will be open tomorrow 5-7pm
from Action Conditioning
Monday, November 09, 2015
Had my scene in the TV series Fargo tonight‼️3 total shots as a paramedic taken from different angles. What a fun day getting to work with all those cool actors in that scene! I am loving this Fargo TV series! If you have not seen the original Fargo movie. Start there! Then watch season 1 Fargo and then season 2. I wonder what movie or TV show I will be in next😎 #Fargo #season2 #fargo #chadaction #tv #series #extra #movies #fun
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One of my fav go2's for my 2nd post workout meal👍🏼 Jasmine rice, lentils and spicy chicken🚀 #workout #postworkout #chadaction #actionconditioning #actionkitchen #macros #iifym #fit_over_40 #fitfood #recovery
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Saturday, November 07, 2015
My favourite dark wine only available around Halloween! Time for a glass and chill with my Alberta family. #love #life #live #work #wine #winetasting #apothicdark #apothic
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Congratulations to Bayleigh for winning Youth/Junior Provincials and punching her ticket to her 3rd Junior Nationals in January.
from Action Conditioning
Thursday, November 05, 2015
I was told I would never make it👊🏼 I was told I would never graduate. I was told I was stupid! I was repeatedly told by coaches; you are too small, too slow, too old👊🏼 Brutal and very sad long list point is, I am here today because I manifested my desires, by working my ass off daily for my goals. Believed in myself and in my dreams and stopped listening to all the haters....and one of those haters was myself! Stop people please stop beating yourselves up! Everyone falls down, makes mistakes, that is how you learn! Move forward, Get better! Dream big!!! #chadaction #actionconditioning #actionstyle #health #results #wnbf #idfa #buff #ripped #aesthetics #goals #manifest #believe #work #love #life #live
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Wednesday, November 04, 2015
The ups and downs on your fitness journey are there for a reason, to learn from and progress you forward. Those that celebrate the highs but ignore the lows, will always return to the beginning to start over again! 👊🏼You can all do it! Work for it. Make it fun! Make it last! Make it a choose your own adventure, but you get to decide the outcome because you have earned it!! #chadaction #actionconditioning #teamaction #teambrandt #peaks #valleys #work #adventure #fit_over_40 #fitness #muscle #idfa #wnbf #health #results #lasting
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We are extremely excited to announce the addition of Brad and Cara Lukowich to our coaching team at Action Conditioning!! Brad will be taking on hockey athletes for personal training and group dryland training sessions, while Cara will be taking on personal training clients and hosting mat pilates classes. Brad Lukowich has been playing and coaching the game of hockey all his life. With the Kamloops Blazers, Brad won the Memorial Cup (1994 & 1995). Drafted by the NHL at the age of 17, Brad went on to hoist the Stanley Cup in 1999 (Dallas Stars) and 2004 (Tampa Bay Lightning). Brad has a true understanding of what it takes to make it at all levels. His drive and desire for hockey have lead him to help others to reach their goals. Brad now focuses on assisting hockey athletes of all ages reach their true potential. Cara Lukowich, a native of Texas, found her passion for Pilates and fitness over 15 years ago. She followed that passion by starting her Peak Pilates certification in 2009 and recently completed her Master Instructor training. She has trained with some of the most outstanding instructor in the world. She is classically trained in mat, Reformer, Cadillac, chair and barrel at all levels as well as training and certification in the Barre Method. With a focus on physical well being both mental and physically, Cara has a true understanding of the body and her passion for Pilates is seen in her teaching.
from Action Conditioning
Tuesday, November 03, 2015
Two tired guys😴 Getting my Jaxen cuddles always makes my day😘👍🏼 I think these cuddles are my favourite so far👌🏼#chadaction @katrinabrandt429 #son #babybrandt #baby #family #cuddles #babycuddles #picoftheday #instagood #instadaily
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Monday, November 02, 2015
1st day of "Improvement Season" aka off season and rocking my new WNBF Pro gear💪🏼👍🏼 Here is to making gains in all areas of my life🚀💥 #chadaction #actionconditioning #teamaction #teambrandt #wnbf #wnbfpro #idfa #idfapro #natty #train #gain #fitover40 #fit_over_40
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Saturday, October 31, 2015
Happy Halloween! Stay safe, make smart choices, and remember to slow down and take your time out there with all the kids tonight. Xo
from Action Conditioning
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
My boy Jaxen hitting his first Most Muscular💪🏼 #chadaction #actionconditioning #flexbaby #baby #son #picoftheday #instagood #instadaily #babydaily
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Saturday, October 24, 2015
My new baby boy Jaxen with his Yoda toque and Star Wars PJ's👌🏼 #chadaction #starwars #yoda #father #son #family @katrinabrandt429
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Thursday, October 22, 2015
Thanks everyone for checking up on us yesterday and this morning! Meet Jaxen Alfred Brandt Born this morning at 3:44am weighing 8lbs 2oz, 21" long and a full head of strawberry blonde hair. #babyjedi #babybrandt #chadaction #actionconditioning @katrinabrandt429 #dad #love #family #wife #picoftheday
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Wednesday, October 21, 2015
My wife and I's last contrast pic before she gets induced today👍🏼 We are at the hospital right now😀 Additionally, I am 4 days out from my Pro WNBF debut and less that 12hours from being a dad👌🏼🍼 Going to be a crazy initial week but we can do it👍🏼 Love you babe! @katrinabrandt429 #chadaction #babybrandt #babyjedi #baby #comingsoon #dad #mom #birth #picoftheday #instagood #instamood #contrast #WNBF #wnbfpro #idfa #idfapro
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Tuesday, October 20, 2015
If you've been to the gym this week you've likely seen the notices, but just in case you haven't: We will be CLOSED from 12pm - 4:30pm only this Wednesday (Oct 21), Thursday (Oct 22), and Friday (Oct 23). No classes or personal training sessions will be affected. Regular hours will resume next week. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
from Action Conditioning
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
My current upper body workout back and shoulder warm-up video is live for your learning and viewing pleasure👌🏼 🚀✔️check out our YouTube page @chadaction and 💥Subscribe today👍🏼 #chadaction #actionconditioning #projectaction #action90 #a90 #back #shoulders #warmup #WNBF #IDFA #wnbfpro #idfapro #workout #prep #contestprep @actionconditioning @katrinabrandt429
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Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Mmmm PrepBowl Froyo of the universe😛 Mocha Froyo mixed with vanilla Froyo, plus low fat whipped cream and topped with Buff Bake Snuckerdoodle Almond butter👊🏼 When you bang out your macros all day, hit fiber, veggies and your digestion is on point daily...enter Froyo time two weeks out from my WNBF Pro show! 💪🏼‼️🚀Note: Digestion and gut health are so overlooked by all those who want to eat a flexible iifym style. Unfortunately their digestion and gut health is so horrible from past binging and roller coaster eating, they cannot digest and assimilate proteins, carbs and fats efficiently having disastrous toilet events daily! Fix your digestion issues first. Start eating 80% from quality nutritious foods. Eating nutrient dense foods is like a workout for your gut & digestion; eventually it will get stronger and assimilate protein, fats and carbs more efficiently over time. Then you will be able to handle more flexible foods over time with any nasty disasters. Additionally you will start attaining your physique goals faster and holding those results longer! #chadaction #digestion #guthealth #iifym #macro #food #manbowl #prepbowl #froyo #snickerdoodle #actionconditioning #actionkitchen #action90 #a90 #projectaction
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Monday, October 12, 2015
Caught our cat Milla mid "Meow" LOL I guess this is her way of saying "Cheese"? 🐾🐈 Yes she is a tad crazy! SRS! #catsofinstagram #cat #cats #crazycat #pets #meow #wife @katrinabrandt429
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Ran out of eggs so it is leftover turkey from Thanksgiving to sun in for my eggs💪🏼2 slices flax bread, 2 light laughing cow cheese wedges, 150g turkey, Frank's red hot, dash of season salt. 💥👊🏼BAM super easy breakfast! On another important note: so many that eat eggs have a food sensitivity to them but do not even know it. Yet they are eating eggs all day long, having all the symptoms from the eggs but totally used to their irritants. Try taking eggs out for 3-4 weeks, taking notes daily on how you feel during these weeks. Did you see or feel any improvements? Then reintroduce the eggs again in your day, retesting them; take notes on how you feel again. This easy process has helped me figure out a lot of my food irritants. Note: I will always reintroduce them over time again to see if those old tested foods still bother me as sometimes the body will be able to handle those foods that irritated you before, being assimilated without side effects later👍🏼 #chadaction #actionkitchen #actionconditioning #digestion #foodallergies #eggs #meals #food #nutrition #nutrients #macro #test #turkey
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What does this "Wishbone" dilemma mean? Do we both get our wishes? I have a gut feeling we were both wishing for the same thing🍼😘 #bbyboy #babybrandt #babyjedi #baby #wife #wifey #wish #wishbone @katrinabrandt429
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Ran out of eggs so it is leftover turkey from Thanksgiving to sun in for my eggs💪🏼2 slices flax bread, 2 light laughing cow cheese wedges, 150g turkey, Frank's red hot, dash of season salt. 💥👊🏼BAM super easy breakfast! On another important note: so many that eat eggs have a food sensitivity to them but do not even know it. Yet they are eating eggs all day long, having all the symptoms from the eggs but totally used to their irritants. Try taking eggs out for 3-4 weeks, taking notes daily on how you feel during these weeks. Did you see or feel any improvements? Then reintroduce the eggs again in your day, retesting them; take notes on how you feel again. This easy process has helped me figure out a lot of my food irritants. Note: I will always reintroduce them over time again to see if those old tested foods still bother me as sometimes the body will be able to handle those foods that irritated you before, being assimilated without side effects later👍🏼 #chadaction #actionkitchen #actionconditioning #digestion #foodallergies #eggs #meals #food #nutrition #nutrients #macro #test #turkey
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Sunday, October 11, 2015
Epic fail on the sneaky selfie with my beautiful wife @katrinabrandt429 😘 dam her super speed even while pregnant‼️#chadaction #teambrandt #baby #babyjedi #wife #sneaky #sneakyselfie #sneakyselfiesunday #picoftheday #instadaily #instamood #superspeed #fedora
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