Monday, October 31, 2016
Jaxen's 2nd Halloween 🎃, but 1st time hitting the streets 👻 Dad points zero as I waited until today to get him a costume😥But he was a hit at all doors😁
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Friday, October 28, 2016
#sandthefloor The boys are giving the days, nights and working into the early morning to get the our new gym up and running🏋️♀️ #actionconditioning #builtataction #newgym #gym #grind #sanding #dirty #team #theboys
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Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Came home to this yesterday😍 I bought Jaxen a small couch pull out bed for his bday and these two were sleeping on it. Jax is loving his new couch👍🏼 #familynaptime #naps #momandson #sleep #rest #cuddles #cuddleseason @katrinabrandt429
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Friday, October 21, 2016
By beginning to change the way you think & speak in life and even during workouts, you will then increase your chance of success in accomplishing your goals🌟👍🏼#goals #actionconditioning #builtataction #success #positive #positivethinking #speakpositive #ican #iwill #ididit #iam #believe
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Thursday, October 20, 2016
Loving these Greens by #udoschoice *Digestion is vital when it comes to making gains in the gym and fat loss! Think about it, if you cannot properly assimilate nutrients how are you to grow, drop fat or properly recover from daily stress & training? If your digestion is poor you will be inflamed most of the time, in a chronically stressed state. One day bloated, the next day sore joints, next day sitting on the toilet all day, the next day dehydrated....big list here! If you start to get your nutrition on track and hydration on point digestion can improve fast! Adding in a greens drink like Udo's gives you bonus fiber in both soluble and insoluble, plus has a prebiotic blend to aid in digestion and assimilation👍🏼 additionally great for those veggie haters👌🏼So get your digestion game on point and start seeing progress! #actionconditioning #builtataction #greens #greensdrink #digestion #nutrition #macros #micros #udos #health #fatloss #musclegain #muscle @actionconditioning
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Sunday, October 09, 2016
Thanksgiving speedway at Save On Foods🏎🏅#speed #racer #fast #racing #shopping #shopracer #babyboy #son #fatherandson #dads #dad #fun
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I love whip cream😁 but hate peas😷 #thanksgiving #whipcream #family #son #babyboy #dinner
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Sunday, October 02, 2016
Our gym @ActionConditioning is doing the #flexcam for the #lethbridgehurricanes this season💪🏼 Pretty cool how far we have come! Props to this double bicep flex cam kid👍🏼 #canes #WHL #hockey #NHL #hurricanes #yql
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Thursday, September 29, 2016
Dad I just wanna lift🏋 #fitkids #actionconditioning #teamaction #builtatactoon #teambrandt #son #baby #fatherandson #lift #family
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Monday, September 19, 2016
Raisins, wrecking cookies for centuries!!! ☠🍪 #raisinssuck #cookies #jedi #raisin #food #treats #sadcookies
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Thursday, September 15, 2016
Who me....I never went pee on the floor! #peebreak #babypee #dadandson #father #fatherandson #peebreak #wasntme #sorrynotsorry @katrinabrandt429
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Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Mr Sick boy needs his naps to recover. This looks like a good spot lol 😴💤 #familylife #family #myboy #hangout #mancave #fatherandson #father #sickboy #nap #napsrule #sleep @katrinabrandt429
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Sunday, September 11, 2016
Chilling with my dude last night watching some #WCH hockey in our mancave🏆 Crazy how fast he is growing 😘 #father #fatherandson #dad #son #hockey #nhl #mancave #myboy #family #familylife #hangout
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Thursday, September 08, 2016
Team Goofoff this morning🤓 #hairdo #haircut #babyhair #baby #fatherandson #family @katrinabrandt429
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Saturday, September 03, 2016
Open Faced Bacon Wrapped Beer Can Burger (Rick used a plastic pop bottle, cause we only had huge beer cans lol. These were freaking awesome! #burger #burgers #beercanburgers #stuffedburgers #food #macros #iifym #foodporn #foodie #foodforthought #actionkitchen #actionconditioning
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Look dad, I fit, I fit👍🏼💪🏼 Jaxen loved strolling around with no help at all✔️ #shopping #cart #babycart #babyseat #baby #fatherandson #bigboy @katrinabrandt429
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Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Mom holding Jaxen with his new hat😎 Finally a hat that fits!! #familylove #hat #hats #wife #son #momandson #family #ballhat #dc #dchat #lid
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Saturday, August 27, 2016
Jaxen can now tell everyone that he first watched Star Wars at 9months of age🏆👍🏼Loves it! #starwars #startthemyoung #jedi #forceawakens #theforceawakens #movies #theater #hometheater #dadandsonmovie @katrinabrandt429
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Thursday, August 25, 2016
Kicking it old school today with a sweat angle✔️ Today reminded me of my Big Dawg days👌🏼✔️👍🏼 A1. Bench Press 4 x 20,15,20,15 @ 20X1; rest 30sec *using 1set lead weight for all sets B2. Diagonal grip (partial supinate) 4 x 6r @2112; rest 90sec C. 20min RFT 10 ring push-up 8 box jump step down 30" *6 K2E *transitional *4 strict pull-ups Scored 10 rounds, unbroken *Transitional = must stay on bar transitioning from K2E into Strict pull-ups✔️ #metcon #bigdawg #sweat #training #oldschool @jfitzopex #lift #aesthetics #muscle
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Sunday, August 21, 2016
Killing it with mom at the water park👌🏼#mom #mommysboy #water #summer #waterpark @katrinabrandt429 #family #familyfun
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Water park snuggle to get warm selfie💪🏼 Jaxen hated the park the first time and loved it his time✔️ #water #waterpark #waterfun #summer #family #father #fatherandson #daddysboy
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Saturday, August 20, 2016
Yup I am Mind Melding this tasty Vulcan brew right now🍺and watch #ufc202 #vulcan #spock #startrek #beer #brew #ufc #diaz #diazvsmcgregor
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Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Phase 2 Block eating. This is my current Pre Workout meal, Post Workout Meal & my Meal following PW. Eating s block style is super easy for those who lead busy lifestyles and are tired of counting macros daily. Making block meals are super easy! #teamaction #actionconditioning #blocks #nutrition #macros #food #nutritionmadesimple #workout #recover #excel #action
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Saturday, August 13, 2016
Team Workout today @actionconditioning We did a workout called Pet Rock. Run 200m before each rep round holding a 20lb ball.10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 rep rounds Push-ups, pull-ups, push press, toes to bar, power lunges, Kettlebell swings. Love that sweaty hot face workout👍🏼 Thanks for coming out crew!!! #teamaction #workout #exercise #actionconditioning #builtataction #teamworkout #sweat #conditioning
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Thursday, August 11, 2016
My daily offseason grind👍🏼Easy 3 block snack: 3 blocks chicken + 2 blocks mixture of broccoli, cucumber & yams + 6 blocks fat from olive oil & not in picture are my macadamia nuts👊🏼 We make our offseason macro nutrition plans easy, to make consistent gains and still enjoy life😘 #blocks #ActionConditioning #teamaction #macros #nutrition #life #gains #easyeating #phase2
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Mom and Jaxen coaching @actionconditioning FitMoms class💪🏼today. #fitmom #FitMoms #babyworkout #actionconditioning #teamaction #workout #exercise @katrinabrandt429
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Tuesday, August 09, 2016
Jaxen and I tried to FaceTime Papa & Grandma tonight but no answer so we just took a few photo booth pics👍🏼👌🏼#son #baby #dadandson #photobooth #fatherandson #family #dad @katrinabrandt429
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Tuesday, August 02, 2016
Thank you for the Star Wars toys @luko37 👍🏼you know I will take care of them. When Jaxen is ready, and bug enough lol, I am sure he will be all over that ATAT Walker👌🏼 It it bigger than him!! Good luck in Coeur da'alene man! #starwars #atatwalker #ATAT #walker #babywalker
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Saturday, July 23, 2016
Someone has been going all out this morning!!!! Yeah I think we are in trouble😜😘 @katrinabrandt429 #parenting #sonenergy #energy #gogogo #dad #fatherandson #family #crawling #baby #babyenergy #teambrandt #drool
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Friday, July 22, 2016
Star Wars Battlefront 228 kills and 1 death!! First try at the new Skirmish and got Nien Nunb aka Pancake Face "the all mighty" hero right out of the gate! #battlefront #starwarsbattlefront #starwars #niennunb #lando #rebles #hero
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Thursday, July 21, 2016
My dude looking sharp👌🏼Thank you @jennyhojo for the great pics👍🏼 #ladidalanephotography #teambrandt #son #family @katrinabrandt429 #sharpdressedman #bowtie #style #stylish
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Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Look who we found at the Kokanee Brewery in Creston BC🙈 #Kokanee #saskwatch #wife #son #family #teambrandt #beer #travels #bigfoot @katrinabrandt429
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Sunday, July 17, 2016
In BC at the Leyland wedding getting to hang out with some great old friends😀 Thank you Orest & Heather for the good times and sharing your wedding day. #wedding #friends #oldfriends #family #wife #son #party #teambrandt @katrinabrandt429
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Saturday, July 16, 2016
Post workout fuel and some hot buns!!! #train #postworkout #eat #donuts #treats #refuel #teamaction #actionconditioning #grind #a90 #sweat #macros #butt #glutes #bestbunsintown #trail
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This picture was just before "the slide gone wrong" video👌🏼Calm before the storm I guess lol. But man are they cute😍 #family #love #wifeandson #familywalk #park #slide #waterslide #bloopers
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Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Jaxen & I playing while waiting for our flight from Nanaimo. Jax loved this mini play centre😀👍🏼 #play #son #Nanaimo #flight #airportfun #dad #fatherandson #baby #teambrandt #playpen #tots #toys
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Monday, July 11, 2016
My Grind 5pm class 💪🏼 These guys and gals work their butts off! Love this crew! #grinders #grind #actiongrind #teamgrind #teamaction #actionconditioning #sweat #train #group #muscle
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Sunday, July 10, 2016
Jaxen & Mom are twins when gymnastics is on TV😍 #twins #momandson #baby #gymnastics #usagymnastics #son #tv #rio #usolympictrials @katrinabrandt429 #teamusa
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Saturday, July 09, 2016
Da Brandt's😘 Getting errands done with my crew✔️ Havd a great weekend everyone😀 Katrina did not get the memo on red shirt day😍 #teambrandt #family #errands #dad #mom #son #yql #teamred #redheads @katrinabrandt429
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If you are the the pic on the right, you really need to stop eating like the pic on the left until you get your shit under control. So many variables need to be inline for one to eat like the pic on the left: Stay consistent in the kitchen (I am not talking 1 week, more like 1 year), train smart (lift & sprint), balance hormones (lost here go get help), get digestion on point (solid poop for months), improve insulin sensitivity (this is vital to handle more carbs), get blood work done (see internal progress) every few months and then if results show progress you can start entering in some refeed days as those days will start to work for you in a positive way👍🏼 Make each day 80% progress food & 10% fun food🌟 Think about this: Dedication & Consistency = Progress! both directions!!! You can sit on your ass, eat like shit, have poor digestion & poop like water flows, all because you are dedicating your time and effort on a consistent basis to make those happen OR do the opposite and see the results you want!!! #actionkitchen #actionconditioning #teamaction @actionconditioning #refeed #carbs #digestion #consistency #effort #compliance #nutrition #gains #progress #tracking #iifym #macros
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Friday, July 08, 2016
Oatmeal! I said oatmeal is my favourite dad 😂 #oatmeal #baby #oats #food #son #dads #dad #sloppyeater #actionconditioning #teambrandt
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This is my Post Workout number 2 meal: Elk patty, chicken, cucumber, tomato, trail mix bar: Macros P50 C41g F11g Fiber 5g. Prepping is only hard if you keep making excuses. Make prep easy! You do not need a recipe for all your 3-6 meals in the day. If you can create healthier choices daily from what you are doing now, then you are on the progress train! So make your meals with some fibrous veggies, quality protein, healthy fats, add starches based around training and eat some heathy fruit in your other meals. Stop making excuses and start making progress! #actionkitchen #chadaction #teamaction #macros #nutrition #prep #plan #food #teambrandt #grind #actionconditioning #eat #train #recover #stopexcuses
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Thursday, July 07, 2016
Canada day fireworks family cuddle😘 #canada #canadaday #albertastrong #family #cuddle #son #wife #teambrandt @katrinabrandt429 #fireworks
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Tuesday, July 05, 2016
Could be a mini me😁 Love my handsome Jax🌟#minime #son #father #fatherandson #teambrandt #teamred #redhead #redheadsdoitbetter
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Monday, July 04, 2016
The fun is over.....why so fast😥 But we are excited to get back and start our new fitness program, The GRIND💪🏼 that starts this week!l and us ongoing for anyone to join up at anytime!!! #family #holidays #teambrandt #actionconditioning #teamaction #grind #airport @katrinabrandt429
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Saturday, July 02, 2016
Chilling with Jax in an extra huge hammok😜 #holidays #family #teambrandt #relax #hammock #canadaday #son #fatherandson
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Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Jax on a Plane! 1st flight ever and he got a 10 out of 10! Dam early morning being up at 3:15am, but all good. One more mini flight to go before our mini holiday at my cousin's house in Sprout Lake to hang with family👍🏼 @katrinabrandt429 @adhominem #firstflight #teambrandt @aircanada #fly #family #holiday
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Saturday, June 25, 2016
Our Action FemSport crew👊🏼🏆 #teamaction #actionconditioning #womensfitness #obstacles #femsport #sweat #team
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Jaxen and I having some laughs at the FemSport athletes meeting last night. #TeamAction has a huge squad of ladies taking part today👊🏼 Good luck to all competitors and kick but Action Girls!!! #FemSport #ActionConditioning #teambrandt #son #dad #father #womensfitness #obstacles
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Tuesday, June 21, 2016
My dude has his nap and wakes up rocking a big smile and the spiky hairstyle👍🏼 #kids #hair #hairstyle #baby #family #teambrandt #son #babyselfie
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