Benjamin Franklin once said, "Never confuse motion with action.".
If your days are full of go go go all day long and you feel stuck and frustrated, your probably not getting any closer to your goals, it might be time to start up some new innovative ways to get you feeling in balance again.
We tend to get into a routine where the automatic mind takes over; you know what this feels like when you drive to work and cannot for the life of you remember how you got to work. This is your automatic mind coming into play and it has great qualities for us and some bad ones. So if your feeling stuck in your daily routine change it, it can help change your life.
I am inviting you to try these 5 Inspired Actions to change your routine:
1.) Think of a time you were most Optimal in your life (what I mean is, everything felt easy, you were happy, and your energy was in balance). Now journal your thoughts and look for patters that got you to your most optimal time. Behind these patters are emotions; now use these positive emotions to create more inspired action in your life.
2.) Book some time in your day for yourself with no distractions.
Listen to your body, it will tell you what to do with this booked time:
- meditate
- go for a walk and listen to music
- have a quick energizing workout to wake up your body to be creative
- visualize what you want and feel those emotions of attaining those wants
3.) Go to bed an hour early and get up and hour early.
Use this time to get out of that Automatic Mind and start a new routine; you will love how your feel. Wake up your beautiful significant other and go for a walk or make them breakfast or leave them a note to start their day positive.
4.) Be more aware of your actions. If you hear yourself being negative, pause, be aware of the situation, now come out of it positively. Say thanks to your body for listening and being aware, giving you that heads up.
5.) Smile at someone and give them a complement. You will make that person's day and feel great about it!
"Get some Action back into your life, what are you waiting for, start Now"
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