What a great weekend at the 2010 Canadian CF Regional!
Congratulations to all those athletes who participated and gave your all!
Congratulations to our top 6 men and women , our Fittest Canadians!
Katrina laid everything out on the line and I am extremely proud of her. She had every emotion flow through her from pure joy in the Snatch complex to being humbled in the Wall Ball Pullup workout.
Kat's growth as an athlete and person verified that she has the heart of a Lioness by coming back the following day with a great attitude, giving everything she had in the final two workouts.
A huge thank you to all the kind support from the OPT / CFC crew, thank you!
And to all the great people we met from all over Canada, Kat and I are very grateful for all the kind words and support, you all are more than welcome at AC anytime :-)
Here is a wrap up of Katrina's weekend.
Kat's Final Placing = 23rd (119 points) (1st = 1point and so on)
WOD #1 = 5.5km Outdoor "Fun trail Run" = 40th
WOD #2 = Snatch Complex = 7th (110 lbs)
A. [Snatch Grip DL x 1/Power Snatch x 1/OHS x 1/Squat Snatch x 1] in 25 sec; rest 2:35 x 3
WOD #3 = Wall Balls & Pull-ups = 32nd (15:19)
4 Rounds (14min time cap)
35 Wall Ball Shots to 10ft (14# Ball)
20 COVP Pull-ups
(only 13 girls out of 49 finished this workout in under 15min)
WOD #4 = Double Unders and Burpees = 10th (4:59)
For time;
50 double unders
10 burpees
40 double unders
10 burpees
30 double unders
10 burpees
20 double unders
10 burpees
10 double unders
10 burpees
WOD #5 = Tire Flip / Clean & Jerk / Run = 30th (14:25)
For time;
12 tire flips (men - big fucker, women - sort of big fucker)
6 clean and jerk – (135/95lbs)
Run 300 m
9 tire flips
9 clean and jerk – (135/95lbs)
run 450 m
6 tire flips
12 clean and jerk – (135/95lbs)
run 600 m
(athlete must jump in and out of tire to other side after each flip)

Congratulations to all those athletes who participated and gave your all!
Congratulations to our top 6 men and women , our Fittest Canadians!
Katrina laid everything out on the line and I am extremely proud of her. She had every emotion flow through her from pure joy in the Snatch complex to being humbled in the Wall Ball Pullup workout.
Kat's growth as an athlete and person verified that she has the heart of a Lioness by coming back the following day with a great attitude, giving everything she had in the final two workouts.
A huge thank you to all the kind support from the OPT / CFC crew, thank you!
And to all the great people we met from all over Canada, Kat and I are very grateful for all the kind words and support, you all are more than welcome at AC anytime :-)
Here is a wrap up of Katrina's weekend.
Kat's Final Placing = 23rd (119 points) (1st = 1point and so on)
WOD #1 = 5.5km Outdoor "Fun trail Run" = 40th
WOD #2 = Snatch Complex = 7th (110 lbs)
A. [Snatch Grip DL x 1/Power Snatch x 1/OHS x 1/Squat Snatch x 1] in 25 sec; rest 2:35 x 3
WOD #3 = Wall Balls & Pull-ups = 32nd (15:19)
4 Rounds (14min time cap)
35 Wall Ball Shots to 10ft (14# Ball)
20 COVP Pull-ups
(only 13 girls out of 49 finished this workout in under 15min)
WOD #4 = Double Unders and Burpees = 10th (4:59)
For time;
50 double unders
10 burpees
40 double unders
10 burpees
30 double unders
10 burpees
20 double unders
10 burpees
10 double unders
10 burpees
WOD #5 = Tire Flip / Clean & Jerk / Run = 30th (14:25)
For time;
12 tire flips (men - big fucker, women - sort of big fucker)
6 clean and jerk – (135/95lbs)
Run 300 m
9 tire flips
9 clean and jerk – (135/95lbs)
run 450 m
6 tire flips
12 clean and jerk – (135/95lbs)
run 600 m
(athlete must jump in and out of tire to other side after each flip)