Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Mom holding Jaxen with his new hat😎 Finally a hat that fits!! #familylove #hat #hats #wife #son #momandson #family #ballhat #dc #dchat #lid
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Saturday, August 27, 2016
Jaxen can now tell everyone that he first watched Star Wars at 9months of age🏆👍🏼Loves it! #starwars #startthemyoung #jedi #forceawakens #theforceawakens #movies #theater #hometheater #dadandsonmovie @katrinabrandt429
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Thursday, August 25, 2016
Kicking it old school today with a sweat angle✔️ Today reminded me of my Big Dawg days👌🏼✔️👍🏼 A1. Bench Press 4 x 20,15,20,15 @ 20X1; rest 30sec *using 1set lead weight for all sets B2. Diagonal grip (partial supinate) 4 x 6r @2112; rest 90sec C. 20min RFT 10 ring push-up 8 box jump step down 30" *6 K2E *transitional *4 strict pull-ups Scored 10 rounds, unbroken *Transitional = must stay on bar transitioning from K2E into Strict pull-ups✔️ #metcon #bigdawg #sweat #training #oldschool @jfitzopex #lift #aesthetics #muscle
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Sunday, August 21, 2016
Killing it with mom at the water park👌🏼#mom #mommysboy #water #summer #waterpark @katrinabrandt429 #family #familyfun
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Water park snuggle to get warm selfie💪🏼 Jaxen hated the park the first time and loved it his time✔️ #water #waterpark #waterfun #summer #family #father #fatherandson #daddysboy
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Saturday, August 20, 2016
Yup I am Mind Melding this tasty Vulcan brew right now🍺and watch #ufc202 #vulcan #spock #startrek #beer #brew #ufc #diaz #diazvsmcgregor
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Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Phase 2 Block eating. This is my current Pre Workout meal, Post Workout Meal & my Meal following PW. Eating s block style is super easy for those who lead busy lifestyles and are tired of counting macros daily. Making block meals are super easy! #teamaction #actionconditioning #blocks #nutrition #macros #food #nutritionmadesimple #workout #recover #excel #action
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Saturday, August 13, 2016
Team Workout today @actionconditioning We did a workout called Pet Rock. Run 200m before each rep round holding a 20lb ball.10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 rep rounds Push-ups, pull-ups, push press, toes to bar, power lunges, Kettlebell swings. Love that sweaty hot face workout👍🏼 Thanks for coming out crew!!! #teamaction #workout #exercise #actionconditioning #builtataction #teamworkout #sweat #conditioning
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Thursday, August 11, 2016
My daily offseason grind👍🏼Easy 3 block snack: 3 blocks chicken + 2 blocks mixture of broccoli, cucumber & yams + 6 blocks fat from olive oil & not in picture are my macadamia nuts👊🏼 We make our offseason macro nutrition plans easy, to make consistent gains and still enjoy life😘 #blocks #ActionConditioning #teamaction #macros #nutrition #life #gains #easyeating #phase2
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Mom and Jaxen coaching @actionconditioning FitMoms class💪🏼today. #fitmom #FitMoms #babyworkout #actionconditioning #teamaction #workout #exercise @katrinabrandt429
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Tuesday, August 09, 2016
Jaxen and I tried to FaceTime Papa & Grandma tonight but no answer so we just took a few photo booth pics👍🏼👌🏼#son #baby #dadandson #photobooth #fatherandson #family #dad @katrinabrandt429
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Tuesday, August 02, 2016
Thank you for the Star Wars toys @luko37 👍🏼you know I will take care of them. When Jaxen is ready, and bug enough lol, I am sure he will be all over that ATAT Walker👌🏼 It it bigger than him!! Good luck in Coeur da'alene man! #starwars #atatwalker #ATAT #walker #babywalker
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