Sunday, January 04, 2015

Well I should chime in on the Group Conditioning classes too! I will still be teaching the Cardio Combat classes Tuesdays at 5:30am and 6:30pm (gonna kick it up a notch this month!) - as well as the NEW TRX Endurance (replaces MAP) on Wednesdays at 7 - 7:45pm and the NEW TRED (Light) on Fridays at 6:30 - 7pm. Super stoked for the new year!!! Bring some friends and give us a try!! Coach Linda

from Action Conditioning


Kick 2015 into Overdrive!!! As in our new 9 am class that I will be teaching on Wed mornings at 9 am! My goal this year is to help as many clients achieve their goals so come check us out and let's hit some goals!!!!

from Action Conditioning


Loving this new type of underwear by#mypakage 👍 I got a pair of underwear from @danielleburger for my Christmas present and now I am hooked! Today I bought some #longjohns and love them!Guys these underwear are designed to give more room (freedom) for your package as an actual pocket was designed for your twig and berries to sit in👍 So comfortable! #chadaction #underwear #gonchies #ginch #balls #package #junk #unit #clothes #comfort #comfortable #package #pocket #groin #graingrateful

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