Monday, October 31, 2016
Jaxen's 2nd Halloween 🎃, but 1st time hitting the streets 👻 Dad points zero as I waited until today to get him a costume😥But he was a hit at all doors😁
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Friday, October 28, 2016
#sandthefloor The boys are giving the days, nights and working into the early morning to get the our new gym up and running🏋️♀️ #actionconditioning #builtataction #newgym #gym #grind #sanding #dirty #team #theboys
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Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Came home to this yesterday😍 I bought Jaxen a small couch pull out bed for his bday and these two were sleeping on it. Jax is loving his new couch👍🏼 #familynaptime #naps #momandson #sleep #rest #cuddles #cuddleseason @katrinabrandt429
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Friday, October 21, 2016
By beginning to change the way you think & speak in life and even during workouts, you will then increase your chance of success in accomplishing your goals🌟👍🏼#goals #actionconditioning #builtataction #success #positive #positivethinking #speakpositive #ican #iwill #ididit #iam #believe
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Thursday, October 20, 2016
Loving these Greens by #udoschoice *Digestion is vital when it comes to making gains in the gym and fat loss! Think about it, if you cannot properly assimilate nutrients how are you to grow, drop fat or properly recover from daily stress & training? If your digestion is poor you will be inflamed most of the time, in a chronically stressed state. One day bloated, the next day sore joints, next day sitting on the toilet all day, the next day dehydrated....big list here! If you start to get your nutrition on track and hydration on point digestion can improve fast! Adding in a greens drink like Udo's gives you bonus fiber in both soluble and insoluble, plus has a prebiotic blend to aid in digestion and assimilation👍🏼 additionally great for those veggie haters👌🏼So get your digestion game on point and start seeing progress! #actionconditioning #builtataction #greens #greensdrink #digestion #nutrition #macros #micros #udos #health #fatloss #musclegain #muscle @actionconditioning
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Sunday, October 09, 2016
Thanksgiving speedway at Save On Foods🏎🏅#speed #racer #fast #racing #shopping #shopracer #babyboy #son #fatherandson #dads #dad #fun
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I love whip cream😁 but hate peas😷 #thanksgiving #whipcream #family #son #babyboy #dinner
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Sunday, October 02, 2016
Our gym @ActionConditioning is doing the #flexcam for the #lethbridgehurricanes this season💪🏼 Pretty cool how far we have come! Props to this double bicep flex cam kid👍🏼 #canes #WHL #hockey #NHL #hurricanes #yql
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