Thursday, October 30, 2014
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
"Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be. If we do our best, we are a success. Success is the maximumutilization of the ability that you have." - Zig Ziglar
Don't know what to do or where to start? Do you like the idea of eating healthier, but have a hard time implementing or knowing just where to start? Let us help you reach your goals and take the guess work out of it!! Sign up for our Dialled in Meal Plans!!! Email for more information and to book your consultation to get started!!!
Monday, October 27, 2014
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Friday, October 24, 2014
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Good luck to all of #teamfitnesscanada competing in Montreal #Musclemania today💪 This great photo was taken by Marc-Andre Donato, on the same stage in Montreal where I took 3rd place🏆 I have some sweet memories from this show and better yet I made great friends! @bio3fitness #friends #coach #natural #buff #ripped #photo #bodybuilder #montreal
Hey ThankYou LinkedIn 👍 I did not know this! 5 years is pretty cool 👏👏 Thank you to all our #actionmaniacs our #teamaction #actioncoaches and all who have helped to make this happen 👏👏💪💪 onward and upward to another 5✋#actionconditioning #gym #builtataction #owner #business #anniversary #clients #grateful
Friday, October 17, 2014
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
You asked for it! Here it is :-) Book your DMP at Dialed in Meal Plan (DMP) $75 per month for a minimum of 3month sign up $70 per month for a minimum of 6month sign up Why no 1 month fee? - We find giving a single meal plan is a disservice to the client. More info is needed in the future months to help the coach learn about the client’s nutritional needs and help progress the client in a healthy manor towards their goals. The aim of a DMP is three fold 1. To help get those lost in nutrition back on track 2. To create new eating habits and gain focus 3. To dial in your nutrition for a specific event or physique goal without the stress of tracking and check-ins. What is DMP? DMP incorporates monthly Skype or face to face office consultations. We find a face to face consultation really helps to understand the clients current situation, plus build the client coach teamwork mentality. DMP has unlimited email to help with any nutrition questions. DMP uses an individualized meal plan approach that gives you exactly what to eat and when to eat it. DMP will be designed for you based on your first consultation. What you get! - After your first consultation and individual homework an individualized nutrition meal plan will be created for you and your goals. - This meal plan provides you exactly what to eat and when to eat. - No homework needed; simply meet at your 4 week consultation to chat about progress, take measurements and photos. - You will be given a prescribed list of food substitutions to help keep things fresh. - You have unlimited email access to your coach. - Meals plans change every 4 weeks based on progression and the info gathered at monthly consultations. - Monthly photos and measurements to help with progression. Can you do this Online? - Yes! A Skype consultation will be your monthly check-in, email will be used for questions and picture / measurement instructions will be given to do on your own. I want Extra Consultations - Great communication and team work with your coach are key to help success! You can purchase extra Face to Face or Skype consultations on top of your already booked monthly consultation for: $15 per ½ hour / $30 per hour
Monday, October 13, 2014
I had to do a comparison of Bikini Nordic Pro winner Christina Fjaere and 4th place #idfa Bikini Katrina Brandt. Yes there are sanctions that have a specific look, I get that, but I am just going to leave it at this :-) Chin up Katrina, you brought your best package to the stage and let's keep moving forward :-) @idfamania #bikini #chadaction #actionconditioning #actionstyle #builtataction #ripped #fitness #coach #buff @katrinabrandt429
Wednesday, October 08, 2014
Monday, October 06, 2014
I had a few emails today asking to see pictures of what I eat at Work. Well to start I pack my 6pack bag with 4 meals, 2 regular meals and two post workout meals. Just to be safe I always carry extra protein powder, nuts/seeds, and BCAAs, so I don't get caught with nothing and have to scrounge something up. As you can see I keep things pretty simple because that is what works for me and if you are new to the food game it is what I recommend to start out. Once you get good at prepping your food, hitting your macros and seeing physical results from your progress, then you can make some recipes and get creative👍#chadaction #builtataction #actionconditioning #macros #iifym #food #fitat40 #fitness #bodybuilder #natty #6pack #prep
Saturday, October 04, 2014
Yeah this just happened 👊💪 Post workout protein pancakes and one of Katrina's new healthy donut desserts that will be coming in our Healthy Dessert book soon👍 Thst donut was AWESOME and only 6g carbs including the whey powder icing!!!!! BAM💥 Time to layback and let the recovery happen👌 #chadaction #eatlikeapro #actionconditioning #builtataction #donut #pancakes #dessert #health #postworkout #carbs #fitat40
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