Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Just made this bad boy MANCAKE from a Facebook tip by my fellow IDFA Pro @battlingbroscience "Rice Cooker Pancakes!" I put some Nutella in my gluten free mix, topped it with Blueberry walden farms syrup😃 and real salted organic butter😜 came out perfect, nice and moist! I am going to make me some cheese cake pancakes in the rice cooker this weekend after my wife's IDFA show! Give it a try and get creative! #chadaction #actionconditioning #pancakes #ricecooker #macros #mancake #darthchad #nutrition #iifym #idfa @katrinabrandt429 @idfamania @inov8eliteperformance @mattjansen8 #buff #bodybuilder #physique #bikini #ripped #teamaction #teambrandt

via Instagram http://ift.tt/1ndUFh9

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