Sunday, April 20, 2014

Join us in congratulating Dana on her Action 90 Achieve success! Dana lost a total of 22.5 inches in 90 days, which also included a holiday to Costa Rica. Dana had lost her way trying to work out on her own. She joined Achieve to have accountability with her workouts and nutrition. Dana fell back in love with the process. The entire class was so supportive and encouraging to one another regardless of fitness levels and goals. Dana is now back for another round of Action 90 Achieve and we can't wait to see what she can accomplish in these next 3 months! For those individuals interested in our 3 step ACTION SERIES programs, the next rounds run: *Action Foundations (no prereq.) - July 3 to Aug 29 OR Sept 11 to Nov 8 *Action Transformation (no prereq. though Foundations encouraged) - June 5 to August 29 OR Sept 4 to Nov 28 *Action Achieve (prereq. Transformation) - Sept 5 to Nov 28

from Action Conditioning


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