Monday, November 16, 2009

OPT Champions Series #2

Felt good to compete again. I had only done one CF workout up to this event in the past month and a half. Yes this was my plan as I was programming myself to improve week spots in power, strength and flexibility.
I found that for the most part my training paid off. The second workout is still on my mind because when I finished I said to myself "fu$@ I could of done that way faster!". A learning lesson for sure as I was practicing the snatch series skills for the past month ( catching the squat snatch is a weakness of mine, but in this wod I nailed them.....faster next time ACTION & be confident in your skills!).
Always learning is key for your future competition, fitness and life adventures!
Had a great time in Calgary hanging out with my fellow Big Dawgs; they were all asking where I had been, why I have not been posting and to get my ass in gear because my face is on the Big Dawg poster for F#%K those guys!.
Got to hang out with my Coach OPT for a bit and talk shop, love that!
The best part of the trip was watching my girlfriend kick some serious ASS! nice work Black Kat! Hey what are you going to do when you dye you hair blond again?

Here are the WOD's and my times:
Workout 1:
For power ratio:
Row 800 m
rest 5 min
SCORE = 2.05

Workout 2:
7 sets (95#/60#) for time;
Power Snatch x 1
Snatch Balance x 1
OHS x 1
Hang Squat Snatch x 1
rest 5 min
TIME: 3:39

Workout 3:
As many rounds (total reps) in 3 minutes;
3 chest to bar chin ups unbroken
3 push up burpees
rest 240 min
REPS = 48

Workout 4:
For time;
50 walking lunges
20 clean and jerk - 135#/95#
30 ring dips
25 wall balls - 20#/14# to 10ft
30 GHD Sit Ups
30 KBS - 1.5pd/1pd
75 double unders
TIME = 11:43

1 comment:

Katrina Burton said...

Blonde soon...
Thanks for the complements :)

Link to your videos: