Saturday, March 20, 2010

That was heavy today!

Today felt heavy....I mean every thing I did today felt heavy...other than GHD Sit-ups so that is a positive:-)

Complete as many rounds in 10min

1 Power Clean 155lbs
2 Front Squats 155lbs
3 Push Press 155lbs
15 GHD Sit-ups

I blew through the first two rounds then started to hit a wall in the Push Press. Round three I did two Push Press then could not lock out the last rep, I had to drop the bar take a breath and then Power Clean and Push Press the final rep. This was the case for the remainder of the workout. So I really did 12 Power Cleans in total! I am positive about this workout because I have never really been strong at anything overhead and I am glad I stuck it out!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Complete 6 Rounds, Each for individual time, then add times.
*Every exercise my be done UNBROKEN: Rest 2min b/t sets
15 Pull-ups
20 Push-ups
25 Sit-ups
30 Squats
1.) 1:52
2.) 1:52
3.) 1:52
4.) 1:54
5.) 1:54
6.) 1:53
Total Time = 11:17

Every thing was fast moving, but the sit-ups! They slowed me down.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Kat and Action Training at home

A.) Power Clean
1-1-1-1-1;rest 120sec
Loads = -185-190-195-200-205
B1.) High Bar Back Squat
3-3-3-3;Tempo 31x1;rest 120sec
Loads = 190-195-200-205
B2.) Weighted Pull-ups
2-2-1-1; rest 90sec
Loads = 75-85-112f-112f

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Home Training

Here is a small video of my conditioning from two days ago.

Yesterday's training: AMRAPS unless reps allotted (e.g. X 30reps)
A.)P-Bar Push-ups x 30reps; rest 60sec
B.)Super Wide Pull-ups AMRAP = 13reps; rest 90sec
C.)Bench Press AMRAP 135# = 20reps; rest 90sec
D.)K2E X 20reps unbroken; rest 120sec
C.)Bench Press AMRAP 135# = 17reps; rest 90sec
E.)Close Grip AMRAP Pull-ups = 15reps; rest 90sec
F.)Decline Push-ups AMRAP = 20reps; rest 90sec
G.)Bent Over Row AMRAP 135# = 12reps; rest 90sec
C.)Bench Press 135# = 15reps; rest 90sec
D.)K2E X 20reps unbroken; rest 90sec
A.)Diamond Push-ups X 30reps; rest 90sec
D.)K2E X 20reps unbroken
10min Handstand Push-up practice
Tabata Rows X 4 rounds for calories
11 / 10 / 9 / 9 cals

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

More Homework :-)

Two of my favorite exercises (insert tongue sticking out in a barfing fashion here) :-P
I took my medicine and did my homework!

Complete for time
40 HSPU (time cap 5min)
40 Front Squats (155#) (take from floor)
TIME = 11:27

I can't even type right now!
HSPU are getting better. Did all strict, it was really nice only going to an abmat :-)
As time went on my front squats got better. The first couple sets were in 3's and 2's because my arms were toast!

Monday, March 08, 2010

Sectional WOD

Complete 2 Rounds for time
500m Row
15 OHS (95#)
500m Row
15 Toes To Bar
TIME = 12:18

Not bad, I will take it with a smile on my face; Thank You :-)
Could have pushed the rows a tiny bit more, but I did not want to break up the OHS. Toes to Bar 1st round sets of 10/5 and 2nd round sets of 5/3/2/2/3.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Sunday Homework: Diamond Delts!

Just finished my homework for Sunday; when I say homework I mean "train the sh#! you need work on....or the stuff you really hate". For me that is the dreaded handstand push-up!
Since I live with Canada's #1 Gymnastic CrossFit Instructor Katrina "Black Kat" Burton, I thought I would ask for a little help :-)

Here was my Sunday WOD:
Warm-up Complex: 5sets x 5reps: rest 1min after last exercise
Back Squat
Push Press
Front Squat
I worked up to a 95#
A1.) Squat clean; 5sets x 5reps; rest 0 (135#)
A2.) 10 Strict Pull-ups anyway; rest 1min
B.) HSPU; 5sets x AMRAP; rest 2min;
Katrina's way (shoulder width grip, thumbs on outside edge of shoulders, not touching, hands slightly turned out to the sides) REPS = 5/3/3/3/6* = the last set we decided to go back to the way I have been doing HSPU which is a fairly wide stance.
* I will for sure be doing my HSPU homework from Black Kat, I want to rock the gymnastic super strength shoulders.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

I am sore need to move my body!

Still a little sore from the weekend competition. Calves are just loosening off and my right shoulder has been talking to me, so I decided to tell them both to zip it and give them what they want: A Workout :-)

2000m Row
10min of stretching and movement prep
Front Squats 5-5-5-5-5 = worked up to 185#
21-15-9 rep rounds for time
KBSwings 53#
Plank Pops

Man do I feel way better.

Monday, March 01, 2010

CFC 2 Competition

This last Saturday was the CFC 2 (CrossFit Calgary 2) Partner Competition.
I drove up to Calgary and took part in the comp with broPT Michael FitzGerald. Fitzy and I took 1st Place with a score of -595.
Click here for scores
This was a great event, great turn out with a ton of CrossFit Calgary's crew kicken some butt!
You all can check out the Event Standings and view Pictures of the Event here:
The Workouts were:
WOD 1.) "Pick it up"
You and your partner have 10min to get a 1RM in Deadlift
broPT = 435lbs
Action = 435lbs
Immediatley after 10min
WOD 2.) "Team Rhiannon" AMRAP Double Unders. Only one person can skip at a time
Reps = 960 (yes I cannot walk today)
Break 1hr
WOD 3.) "Do Work"
For Time:
100 Squats
80 Burpees (chest to deck)
60 SDLHP 95/65lbs (bar to chin)
40 K2E’s (both knees touch elbows)
20 Squat Snatch 95/65lbs
40 Pull-ups
60 Shoulder to Overhead 95/65lbs
80 Box Jumps 24”/20”
100 Sit-ups (chest to thigh)

TIME = 20:35

Mike was a great partner and we had a game plan for all the events.
Wod 1 are game plan was to hit are 1RM with time to recover for the immediate Team Rhiannon.
Wod 2 game plan was for Fitzy to do 50 Double Unders then I do 50 Double Unders. Yes we did not stop the entire time. Maybe 7-10 missed attempts total
Wod 3 was the most planned out.
Squats in 10 reps each
Burpees in 5's
SDLHP in 5's
K2E in 10's
Squat Snatch in 1's
Pull-ups 10's and 5's
Shoulder to Over head "go to fatigue"
Box Jumps 10's and 5's (fitzy did the most here)
Sit-ups in 20's